Thread: The Star Wars Thread

Yes! Unexpected, but waaaaaay cool! I love Game of Thrones, I hope to see them do a darker take on Star Wars. Maybe a villian movie, I'd love to see that.

Wait! You know what I really want? This!
Between the end of the novel and the beginning of the game.

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It would definitely work as a live action movie!

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A nice before and after of Kanan's new looK!

It'll take a while to get used to, but I like it!

So…have you seen the new Rebels episode yet…

I did…
One moment I can't stop snickering over Delusional Hera and the next my tablet slips from my numb fingers. But I can't help but think "no one is ever really gone".
And the second episode, well. Sabine's new armor is… pretty cool.


In lighter news; Do you want to hear Iden Versio sing?

Sweet. She always did remind me of Jennifer Lopez emoji

She's actually made a bunch of really good songs/covers! I like looking at a picture of Iden and then listen. emoji

All I can say for the next two episodes of Rebels is LISTEN CLOSELY!

Listen closely to what exactly? Jyn Erso, Maz Kanata, Rey, Obi-Wan, Kylo Ren…? Cause that was wicked!
And Ian McDiarmid, actual McDiarmid, for the Emperor!

Oh. And I do like my paradoxes.

Listen closely to what exactly? Jyn Erso, Maz Kanata, Rey, Obi-Wan, Kylo Ren…? Cause that was wicked!
And Ian McDiarmid, actual McDiarmid, for the Emperor!

Oh. And I do like my paradoxes.

Yep! This episode did something I never thought was possible, bring the Clone War's mortis gods (sam witwer voices the son btw)…
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Bring back AHSOKA via a portable flashback…
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Connect literally EVERY SINGLE Star Wars era together…
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…and bring back Ian McDiarmid as the emperor!
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That sith spell was also a thing in the clone wars too.
There's just one week left of Rebels, and three more episodes! I don't want it to end so soon!

Aah. I was wondering what medium that story came from.
It's sad that it is coming to a close soon though.

Aah. I was wondering what medium that story came from.
It's sad that it is coming to a close soon though.

Yeah, dave filoni explains why the events are so connected in this video
And this video shows who everyone was in every era!

And rumors are already circling about a follow-up series. Something between ROtJ and Force Awakens maybe?

And rumors are already circling about a follow-up series. Something between ROtJ and Force Awakens maybe?

Unfortunately yes. I was hoping they would finish up the Clone Wars, but there's rumors that their new series is gong to be called "Star Wars: Resistance."

I'd really like to see some more EU take place in that era. There are so many years that are yet unexplored!
(To be fair, I've only read about 5 of the Disney canon novels so far. Haven't tried that something-something-Edge trilogy yet.)