Thread: Improvements

That guy ratchetrox just uploaded 50 porno pictures and deleted his account. Please make it so that you can't delete your account without being banned first.

Deleted user

I though, that rules was wrote because of my ideas. And that was because that guy. *Phew* I feel better now. emoji

I wish I could have banned him. Now I'm wiping all his porno pictures.

He is now banned. I deleted his messages by the way…

He is now banned. I deleted his messages by the way…

Thank goodness. I felt like I was going to puke from those pictures. Not kidding D=

Possible… emoji Hm, in nearly three years, we didn't have any problem with this type of picture on the French part of RG…

Anyway, fortunately we reacted rapidly this time ^^

Deleted user

Luckily I have an image blocking add-on so I just blocked it before really seeing it…

But yeah, eventually forums do get trouble with trolls and spammers when they become popular (especially English forums)

He is now banned. I deleted his messages by the way…

Thank goodness. I felt like I was going to puke from those pictures. Not kidding D=

I thought I was as well.

Deleted user
That guy ratchetrox just uploaded 50 porno pictures and deleted his account. Please make it so that you can't delete your account without being banned first.

emoji Wow!

I sure missed a lot of shocking things here while I was offline.

But yeah, I think the English forum does need some caution and a close eye with trolls and spammers that come around here from now on since the English site is becoming quite popular now.

Deleted user

Oh be glad you didn't see it, I sorta did…. and I wish I could have deleted them myself since they were there for hours, until the Administrator came on…. emoji

Deleted user
Oh be glad you didn't see it, I sorta did…. and I wish I could have deleted them myself since they were there for hours, until the Administrator came on…. emoji

I've seen worse before on other forums that would accept that kind of stuff in threads years ago, which is really degrading overall. I don't get gross out by naked people that easily, but the actions that people do in pornography is what would make me feel growdy inside.

So thank goodness for good Administrators that would remove that junk right away.

I'm not going to tell you what the pictures where of, but it the most stuff the you can see in a picture of porn. I was going to puke.

The original Ratchet and Clank and Ratchet and Clank: GC videos don't play on my PS3 hard drive and most media players on my PC. Only VLC player works with both sound and video. I would like to be able to view them on my PS3.

My PS3 plays everything since I moded it myself. I'm a pro hacker emoji

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