Speaking of underrated games, anyone play bugs bunny lost in time? I still have that game! Stepped on case and everything
No I have not, but the title does sound quite familiar.
I've noticed that some people have mentioned the Ratchet and Clank series to be underrated, but I'm quite surprised that no one has mentioned the Sly Cooper series or even the Jak series to be underrated too. Those series might not be underrated for us since many of us like those games, but with it's popularity in the gaming world, it can be quite underplayed sometimes.
I like to point out other things that are underrated as well.
Clone High U.S.A. - The show only had 13 episodes, but the show was funny and random throughout. I did like the Picasso flat style of the characters, with great personalities based on well known political figures like Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Ghandi and J.F Kennedy. It a shame the show ended with a huge cliffhanger before it got canceled.
Mr.Bogus - I would say that this would have to be the most underrated cartoon/stop-motion show that ever came out in the early 90's. I vaguely remember certain segments of this show, but I don't think I was too fond by this cartoon since the stop-motion segments used to scare the daylights out of me when I was really young.
Bump in the Night - Another stop-motion Saturday morning program from the 90's that was pretty underplayed too, but not as low as Mr.Bogus. This show was pretty fun, creative and definitely had personality to it, despite the fact that the developers had to use the some of the same stock of animations for certain sequences in all of their episodes. I am such a dork for this show that I even bought the Christmas special on DVD. 
I also think that some animators like Dave Fleisher, Tex Avery, Don Bluth and Richard Williams can be really underplayed in the animation world. These animators had/have really amazing and unique talents and it's a shame that some of them didn't get well known later on or that their work got buttered with later projects.