Thread: Favourite Weapons in TOD

I guess I'm the only member here so far who likes the Plasma Beast weapon the most. emoji

now u are accompanied by another emoji

My favorite weapon in TOD is the jellinator… JELLY THAT YOU CAN BOUNCE ON IS MAGGGIIIICCCCAAALLLL!

Sorry I meant GELLINATOR. Technically its a Gadget but I dont care lol

Mine would defiantly be the Rino IV, Plasma Stalkers, Buzz Blades, and the Nano Swarmers. But the Razor Claws were fun to climb up things lol

Deleted user

SHARD REEPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the Razor Caws were… Quite something! I dunno how to explin it? Lets say i make it my mission to never get hit while usin these!
And the PYROBLASTER! I just love this gun! Its just soo fun!

The Alpha Disruptor,though it takes forever to upgrade it's my favorite weapon in TOD.

Omega rockets, VX. It's the best weapon ever for me! emoji

Nitro Reaper. I've once completed the game just using that (as well as the Combustor/Shock in the early stages) It's just so powerful in the right hands. :3

Then I guess the next best weapon is prolly Plasma Beasts 'cause they're just fun to use.

Deleted user
Then I guess the next best weapon is prolly Plasma Beasts 'cause they're just fun to use.

Looks like I'm not the only one here who likes the Plasma Beasts weapon after all. emoji

My top 5 favourite weapons would have to be these emoji
-Shard Reaper
-Razor Claws (for glitching)
-Shock Ravager
-Fusion Grenade

ryno 4
alpha cannon
nano swarmers
plasma beasts

My faves are the:

- Fusion Bomb
- Alpha Cannon
- Judicator
- Razor Claws
- Mag-net Cannon

I think ToD has the best weapons! emoji

Mine were
>Mag-Net cannon/launcher
>Nitro Reaper
>Buzz Blades(altough I liked the ACIT version better)
>Tornado Launcher