But yeah, as for Naughtydog I do remember that article. They were obviously not telling the truth there o_O I mean, look at their next game "The Last of Us" (I think that's what it was called)
I think they were telling the truth before about sticking to one franchise per-console, because I think I read a more recent interview (an interview that occurred after the announcement of "the Last of Us"
in which they said that they were backtrackiing on that idea (in other words, they changed their minds about it) and chosing to do more than one franchise per console, and of course, it's not possible to backtrack on something that you hadn't already said/done…
They said they were "a one franchise per console company" while The Last of Us was in development. They lied.
They released some message about why we have The Last of Us. It basically says that they WERE going to make JAK 4!!! But the fella's at Naughty Dog are perfectionists (LOOK AT ALL THEIR GAMES!) and couldn't get Jak to look all HD on the PS3, they knew they had to tweak, change and redesign it all, and much like Insomniac back when they were making Ratchet on PS3, they stood back and looked at what they were doing and said it wasn't Jak & Daxter, so gave up, and decided to make a new IP. What I don't get is why ND CLEARLY never visited the IG Museum (ACiT) You don't just give up on it when it looks to 'real' and not J&D, you change it to be less real and more Jak & Daxter-like (If you have roamed the ACiT museum you may remember there being something about the original ToD designs looking to Real and not Ratchet & Clank.
After giving it some thought, I am happy. Why? Because Naughty Dog are still working the same way Insomniac do. Compare Crash to Spyro, Jak to Ratchet, The Last of Us to Resistance (ignore Uncharted) and you will see a pattern. When Insomniac made Resistance they moved back to Ratchet, and struck ND's problem, but got past it. ND are now making their Zombie game and will hopefully turn back to Jak and overcome their problems with Jak. There is still hope. I do recall them saying "never say never" around the end of the thing I read.
EDIT: This isn't exactly what I read, but it says the same stuff http://www.vg247.com/2012/02/06/naughty-dog-extensively-explored-new-jak-daxter-before-the-last-of-us/
Darn, I have gone terribly off-topic now