Messages: 1
A Ratchet and Clank maquette up for sale on Ebay…awesome.
Is there still interest? They were very rare.
Messages: 1
A Ratchet and Clank maquette up for sale on Ebay…awesome.
Is there still interest? They were very rare.
If only I was rich…
I would love one of those. It looks awesome.
Messages: 85
That baby would look amazing amongst my collection…if only I had the will to spend that much on it, if it were $100-150 maybe I would
Please check to see if you are still breathing…
Messages: 326
WOW! i have enough but i don't wanna spend all my money on it! i really need a new computer!
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!
Damn! if I hadn't spent a few hundred dollars on these Copic Markers this year… I might have tried having a go at bidding on this! D:
But I love doing artwork more than collecting rare/expencive merchandise… unless it was a giant figure of Ace XD
but yeah. Luck to however wins the auction anyhow!
Messages: 6
Hey Tara,
I posted an uncolored Ratchet & Clank Carbonox Maquette Statue on Ebay.
Aww I'm sorry but I just can't afford it at the moment I've seen 2 of these sell for $1700-$2000 recently! I CAN NEVER AFFORD THAT D8! (well, actually I can if I was extremely desperate. But I'd rather spend that much funds on more important things)
But I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a few potential buyers who will pay top dollar for it!
Messages: 6
Hey Tara,
haha! I understand. I'm selling it to buy a new camera. Something I can actually use.
I got a buyer from Japan. I think he'll make good use out of it in his Japanese Auction
OH wow! Sold already congratulations!
Well the Japanese are huge fans of the R&C series and I'm sure they'd love to get stuff like this!
I actually want to get the "Creaturebox styled Ratchet, Clank and Qwark" statues more. They usually sell for less too, which is strange since they're apparently even more rare than the Carbonox Ratchet Statue.
Messages: 2
wow that sold for a lot of money!
Messages: 6
I really like the CreatureBox Style. Very Cartoony and Stylistic!
This is another link of the CreatureBox Sytle.
Gentle Giant is the Company that sculpted those.. They also sculpted the Ratchet
maquette i sold.
Now those are the ones I would love to get!
Sadly, I've seen these sell for much lower even as a whole set! and I wasn't able to get them at the time too!
Messages: 6
I think investing in a Cintiq 24HD is better. Spending too much money on something you can't really use isn't good. Unless you have extra money laying around.
Heh yeah I say!
I'm actually planning to save up for a new Wacom Intuos5 Large! And those do cost a few hundred (not as much as these R&C statues, but still!) I wouldn't be able to afford a Cintiq though. I don't need a screen for my tablet drawing heh.
But yeah. I'm comfortable with spending a lot on things that are important. But for 'cool/fun' things like collectables… I can only spend so much.
Messages: 6
You should also consider the Samsung Slate Series 7 Slate instead of Wacom.
I have this. It's great for sketching. It's 11.6 inches. So it's enough room for medium sized drawings, but Of course not nearly as big as the 21 or 24inch cintiq.
This slate is a full computer with touch and pressure sensitive pen features.
People compare this with an ipad, when it should be compared with a laptop + Cintiq.