I this thread you can talk about your favorite weapons and mods in Deadlocked.For the mods,you can list your favorite Omega mods and Alpha mods.
You can also state if you like the regular,upgraded,or both versions.
I'll start with weapons:
The Silencer
Fusion Rifle(both versions)
Dual Raptors
Vulcan Cannon
Scorpion Flail
B-11 Vaporizer
Hunter Mine Launcher(both versions)
Favorite Omega Mods:
Acid Mod
Shock Mod
Napalm Mod
Freeze Mod
Mini-Bomb Mod
Time-Bomb Mod
Brainwash Mod
Favorite Alpha Mods:
Speed Mod
Ammo Mod
Area Mod
Impact Mod
Nanoleech Mod
Jackpot Mod
XP Mod
That's it from me.Now what's your favorite weapon and mod?
Deleted user

Hmm well lets see…
For Weapons, I like…
The Scorpion Flail/Leviathan Flail: Cause it's so fun to use and it feels very descructive, I sometimes go crazy and just keep swinging it nonstop and forget that I've already killed all the enemies onscreen
The Arbiter/Silencer: This one kicks ass too, the weapon Ace used to 'silence' his former Agent over an argument and well, yeah I use it a lot too to 'silence' other enemies I come face to face with
Hunter Mine Launcher: I like this one a lot too, just spamming mines all over the screen and watching them go after enemies 8D hehe! So much fun! Especially with the Napalm mod!
And as for mods…
Napalm: This one is a classic. it's funny seeing lava get stick to enemeies, especially the Exterminators XD in fact, yesterday me and my brother in Co-op completely WASTED the Eviscerator with it and he was covered in lava and fainted XD!
Freeze: This one is a very good one too, and Ace hates it! But yeah I like using it against enemies, especially those big annoying ones that fire at you unexpectedly.
Shock: I like this one too, it's very useful against a bunch of smaller enemeies, especially when used with the turrets!
Time Bomb: This one is trippy and fun to use not much more I can say! But I like it
Morph: This one is stupid, but I think it's hillarious so I had to add it XD there was also a crazy glitch where in Co-op my brother turned into a pig somehow, then exploded, and after his timer finished, he didnt respawn at all and a WEAPONS PACK appeared, what the heck… and when I went to collect his weapons pack, the game crashed!
I have the German version, the rocket launcher is called "Der Richter", is this the Silencer?? The rocket launcher is my favorite. Go rocket launchers, go!!
And my next is the "Super Nova", the gigantic weapon, that makes like.. zzztt…wooooooshhhhh badaabuuuummm!!!! and each enemy that got hitten by one of those beams is like…uhrrrgg…dead. MWARHARHARHARWW.
And the "Leviathan Schweif" is the…uhh Leviathan flail, i think. The Weapon you hold in the hand like the Wrench that makes a ass kicking explosion when you smash it on the ground.
My favorite omega mod is the Freeze mod.
My favorite alpha mod is the Ammo mod.

"Here I await You"
Messages: 79
i like Dual Raptors with the shock mod (omega), and speed and amo mods (alpha)
They send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue

Messages: 24
Personally I love the Dual Raptors. I always liked the Blaster-type weapons. Like, the Blaster, N60 Storm, and the Lancer. The Dual Raptors are no exception ^_^. I also like to stack a whole bunch of speed mods on to make it SUPER fast, then of course the Shock mod to make it that much better.
Well, you know what they say in Brooklyn. Early to bed, early to catch the worm. Or is it the bagel?

Flying Qwark Punch!
Messages: 64
Favorite? I'm adding upgrades too okay?
Favorite Weapon: Dual Vipers/Raptors
Favorite Mod: Shock Mod
Favorite Upgrade: Mega Dual Raptors v99
These together make… The Electric Skittle!
Qwark? He dosen't need weapons when he has his special move! It's called the " Flying Qwark Punch! "

Touch him.. & IT'S PLASMA CITY!!!
Messages: 34
Deadlocked is one of my favourite games!!! I loved these weapons:
- Dual Vipers/Raptors: These guns make me feel like crazy when I'm shooting around!!! =D
- Magma/Vulcan Cannon: I loved it! It takes out swarmers of enemies very easily! =)
- The Arbiter/Silencer: That kicked… @$$!!!
- The B11-Obliterator: I can't remember what's it's called but it was so awesome!!! =D
- Hunter Mine Launcher: Simply amazing! I placed the mines near enemies when they were about to get me and… BOOM!
- Fusion Rifle: I'm glad they put it back and more powerful than ever!!! Plus, it upgrades very quickly!
- Scorpion/Levanthian Flail: I had so much fun with this weapon! =)
- Miniturret Launcher: Loved it as always!!!
Favourite mods:
- Freeze Mod: ''Hey, you! FREEZE!''
- Napalm Mod: Lava… BURNS!
- Shock Mod: Hmm… shocking! hihihihi
- Acid Mod: Feel my acid of DOOM! LOL
- Time Bomb Mod: Really good with the Arbiter! Blows -beep- up! =D That's all!
Ratchet: The weapon used to vaporize the Cragmites was… a hat. Nobody could've invented something THAT ridiculous! Clank:… And let us not forget the ''Anti-atomic Bathroom Buddy you invented last fall''LOL XD

Messages: 8
My favorite combos are the b11 and the napalm mod, silencer with time bomb mod and the dual raptors with shock mod. I always end up putting jackpot mod on all my guns.
I put shock mod on all weapons cuz shock is probably the best mod except for the explosive weps (Arbiter/Silencer and B6 Obliterator both versions) which i put napalm. I put mini bomb on hunter mine launcher cuz its cool and it increases effectiveness. Freeze mod for magma cannon (both versions) cuz its neat and works for me. ^^ The other omegas seem pointless to me. Brainwash is a waste in my opinion as is morph. And the acid mod is worthless for me because i could easily fire off another round and end the enemy rather than wait 4ever on the acid.

6 minutes...
Messages: 192
Sorry I cant remember the exact names of the weapons but here it is:
Fav Weapons: Fully upgraded Dual Vipers
Fully upgraded Turret Weapon (cant remember the name :P )
Fav Omega Mods: Mini-bomb Mod
Time bomb Mod
Fav Alpha Mods: Area Mod
Impact Mod
Sorry I cant remember the exact names of the weapons but here it is:
Fav Weapons: Fully upgraded Dual Vipers
Fully upgraded Turret Weapon (cant remember the name :P )
Oooh heck, the Quasar Turrets! I loved those things :oui:
I remember this was the second last weapon i've upgraded, right before the Holo Shields. I appear to have a problem upgrading Turret weapons… it took me ages to get the ones from UYA and GC upgraded too.

6 minutes...
Messages: 192
Oooh heck, the Quasar Turrets! I loved those things :oui:
I remember this was the second last weapon i've upgraded, right before the Holo Shields. I appear to have a problem upgrading Turret weapons… it took me ages to get the ones from UYA and GC upgraded too.
I loved the way the shots changed colour when fully upgraded
I didnt like the turrets that much in GC and UYA because they were rockets :P I prefer the lasers
It was the spider-bot in GC that took me ages to upgrade!
Was a fun weapon though
I loved the way the shots changed colour when fully upgraded
I didnt like the turrets that much in GC and UYA because they were rockets :P I prefer the lasers
It was the spider-bot in GC that took me ages to upgrade!
Was a fun weapon though
Every weapon changes colour after Lvl.90 i think.
I liked the first versions of the Turrets in UYA or GC more too, it just looks so weird when they shoot a huge rocket that barely does any damage..
That's why i liked what they did in DL, it was something fresh and it really looked like it was more powerful.
The Spider-Bot was also one of my problems, i think it's cause you don't really think about using that Spider thingy to kill enemies if you have more offensive weapons like the Blitz Cannon, or whatever. :oui:

You never know when I'll bust.
Messages: 45
Leviathan Flail: It's just so awesome!
Fav Omega Mod: Time Bomb Mod - So funny and awesome! | Freeze Mod - Just so awesome! OMG! FLYING ICE!!!
Fav Alpha Mod: XP Mod - I mean, who doesn't?! XD
You better beg for me not to blow your planet into a trillion pieces!