In this thread you can say something in your langueage, but don't forget to translate it
Hallo, hou gaat het met jullie? - Alles is in orde
Hello, How are you guys? - Everything is okay
We also have a lot of dialects!
Like 'West-Vlaams':
(dutch - WestVlaams - English)
Telefoon - Tilefong - Telephone
Terugkeren - Kèrrekiwére - Turn Back
Filmpjes - Filmtjes - Videos
Like 'Gents':
(dutch- WestVlaams - English) (expressions)
Hij is bang - Zijn gat spant gelijk een ei - He's scared
Nog eens - Nog ne kier - Again
Zie je wel! - Ziet sie! - You see!

Messages: 947

Pay Respects
Messages: 1638
Kdyby RG nezmařila veškerou diakritiku, kterou v češtině máme :
-If RG didn't fail any diacritics we have in Czech
What if our language is English?
I think us english have to write it twice
I think us english have to write it twice
Omg you're so cute, yes you are... I'm gonna name you Snowball!
What if our language is English?
I think us english have to write it twice
I think us english have to write it twice
Nunca soube que no Reino Unido as pessoas são inglês.
Never knew people in the UK were called english.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.

Messages: 173
what if i know more than just two languages ;D?
Fluent language
dutch : RG is een leuke site
RG is a fun site
Fluent language
Polish: Ja mam zajebistie avatar
I have an awesome avatar
Almost fluent;
French ; Je peux essaye parle en francaise
I try to talk french
Avarange knowledge;
Russian; privet kak djela? kak vas zavoet
Hello, how are you what is your name
Know some;
Japanese; konnichiha ogenki desu ka? (yes i know you say konnichiwa but it is writen as ha)
Hello how are you
There you go ;D

Pay Respects
Messages: 1638
Oooh, that Japanese is pretty

Messages: 173
booo D; there i edited it i just wrote it in normal letters >_>

I stay knuckled up
Messages: 242
Yo sé un poco de español, pero yo no soy fluido.
I know some Spanish, but I am not fluent.
What if our language is English?
It's… Well… I don't know…
Al those cool languages
Yo sé un poco de español, pero yo no soy fluido.
I know some Spanish, but I am not fluent.
Usted Entiendo Espanol un poco? Muy bueno,
you understand spanish a little? very good
Omg you're so cute, yes you are... I'm gonna name you Snowball!
I only really know English.
I've tried to learn other languages, including, French, Spanish, German and Italian, but no matter how hard I try, I simply can't learn new languages very well;
I know the numbers 1-10 in French (but only the phonetic words and not how to spell them),
the word "Mathematics" in Spanish, which I believe is "Matematicas",
the phrase "that is not good" in German (Das Ist Nicht Gut),
and "Good day, how are you?" In Italian: "Bonjourno, Come Stai?"
I really wish I was better at learning other languages - only being able to speak one language makes me feel so limited!
This is the Signature Box. Writing in it means that things will appear under your posts; write as you please, for example: Why not describe the purpose of the Signature Box?
I only really know English.
I've tried to learn other languages, including, French, Spanish, German and Italian, but no matter how hard I try, I simply can't learn new languages very well;
I know the numbers 1-10 in French (but only the phonetic words and not how to spell them),
the word "Mathematics" in Spanish, which I believe is "Matematicas",
the phrase "that is not good" in German (Das Ist Nicht Gut),
and "Good day, how are you?" In Italian: "Bonjourno, Come Stai?"
I really wish I was better at learning other languages - only being able to speak one language makes me feel so limited!![]()
If you want to learn other languages, self teach them, school is useless and i never learnt anything there, i taught spanish to myself, here is the link to the place where i used to learn it, it is really easy and really helps.
This is lesson 1, it teaches the basics, more lessons by Bebel Yak can be found here aswell. Enjoy and good luck
Omg you're so cute, yes you are... I'm gonna name you Snowball!
Fluent language
Polish: Ja mam zajebistie avatar
I have an awesome avatar
Prawie dobrze - 'Ja mam zajebisty avatar'. Poza tym, 'zajebisty' to takie nie za bardzo eleganckie slowo… Bardziej 'fu***ng awesome' niz 'awesome'.
Almost good - *corrected version*. Besides, 'zajebisty' is not really a nice word… More like fu***n' awesome than awesome.