Thread: Really Random thread

λ? Half-Life 3 confirmed, huh?

Has anyone played Half-Life? I have played the first one a lot of years before when I was about 8-9 but after a while I got so scared that I never touched it again… Perhaps this summer I could play it.
Oh and a complicated Greek word "εαμοβουλγαροκομμουνιστοσυμμοριτισμός". It reminds you of German doesn't it?
Also guess who made it to 9gag . The sad part is that the 2007 and 2009 are turned around
and the 2016 one is stretched… Meanwhile am I the only one that thinks Ratchet is a lot more orange than he is supposed to be? A lot of tan is not so good!

Heck, even the Freddy is a bit weird, and I didn't take a look at the others.

On another note, an interesting find in the first comment here (caution, f-word):

Would the assumed author please stand up and confirm or deny whether it's his work? emoji

No, Filip. That's not our Darkstar emoji. I've met him before and asked wether he is from RG or not. And, nope. He's not our Darkstar.

No, Filip. That's not our Darkstar emoji. I've met him before and asked wether he is from RG or not. And, nope. He's not our Darkstar.

Why, that sounds like a really suspiciously specific denial emoji

Just try if you don't believe me emoji

Pretty curious to find a Darkstar with a Ratchrt pic indeed. emoji

Why won't you guys believe me? I've seen that guy before, with that name and profile pic! (I hope it was that guy whom I met and questioned about RG) emoji

I mean this guy is a Crash fan, so it isn't too much of a stretch that he'd have a Ratchet pic.

Hey Ankadewo, I just heard about the isis attacks in Indonesia. Hope you're okay down there.

Hey Ankadewo, I just heard about the isis attacks in Indonesia. Hope you're okay down there.

Thanks, man. I was quite concerned, because my father worked at Jakarta. Luckily, he doesn't work around Sarinah (where the bombing took place). He works at somewhere further to the east. Another thing that concerned me is that there is a rumor spreading that they are also targeting some malls here in Bogor.

Stay safe, everyone.

So, I finally got to see The Peanuts Movie… It was cute.

In a way I fell in love with it xD Joining the "RG Peanuts Fanclub" Animovie emoji

So, I finally got to see The Peanuts Movie… It was cute.

In a way I fell in love with it xD Joining the "RG Peanuts Fanclub" Animovie emoji

All are welcome emoji

Idk if it was ok to post it here after all it is the really random thread. But I made a account on insomniac games forums a few days ago and I still can't post does anybody knows when I get to post? I'm asking here cause I see some of you guys on here and there too and this is my only way of contacting you guys for some help.

Idk if it was ok to post it here after all it is the really random thread. But I made a account on insomniac games forums a few days ago and I still can't post does anybody knows when I get to post? I'm asking here cause I see some of you guys on here and there too and this is my only way of contacting you guys for some help.

First, you have to post 5 times and a moderator must approve of you. I know because it is not that long when I also made an account there.This is what I remember. If you are having problems you could always contact Isomniac, I guess.

Either way, welcome to the forums, The Speedstar 7! :oui:

Oh, you are new here too? Welcome!