Messages: 1638
λ? Half-Life 3 confirmed, huh?Has anyone played Half-Life? I have played the first one a lot of years before when I was about 8-9 but after a while I got so scared that I never touched it again… Perhaps this summer I could play it.
Oh and a complicated Greek word "εαμοβουλγαροκομμουνιστοσυμμοριτισμός". It reminds you of German doesn't it?
Also guess who made it to 9gag http://9gag.com/gag/am99bqX . The sad part is that the 2007 and 2009 are turned around
and the 2016 one is stretched… Meanwhile am I the only one that thinks Ratchet is a lot more orange than he is supposed to be? A lot of tan is not so good!
Heck, even the Freddy is a bit weird, and I didn't take a look at the others.
On another note, an interesting find in the first comment here (caution, f-word):
Would the assumed author please stand up and confirm or deny whether it's his work?