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Anyone here played a Persona game? I'm playing Persona Q right now. I love it so much!Oh, I've played Persona 3, 4, Q, and a little bit of the PSP re-release of 1. Is Persona Q your first time playing a Persona game, or have you played other Shin Megami Tensei games? Currently I haven't finished Persona Q myself because a friend is borrowing it, hopefully I'll get it back soon so I can get back into it. How far are you Nam, if you don't mind me asking?
I've played through 3, and 4. I've played a little bit of persona 2 innocent sin. I'm currently at the group date cafe labyrinth in persona Q. Playing as the p4 MC, with a lot of p3 party members on my team. My party is kanji, p3 MC, yukari, and aigis