That's true but at the same time I imagine there's lots of people who'd love to see some of their favorite levels from 2 and 3 reimagined for the PS4, I know I'd kill to see Boldan and Joba on PS4 at least.
I wouldn't mind visiting a few familiar locations (with new layout though, like R&C1 levels in UYA, or Metropolis in ToD), but I don't want another whole game centered around already existing levels.
which might be part of the reason the series was rebooted in the first place
It was rebooted because of the movie - most of it's target audience were people, who have never even heard of the franchise, so making it a continuation of a story that's been going on for so many years would make it REALLY confusing. Now, perhaps without the movie they would reboot the franchise anyway, for the same reason, seeing how many new fans the PS4 game introduced, but given ItN's ending it would be less likely.
I personally thought the ending of Nexus was kind of dumb and unnecessary though, Crack in Time had a perfect ending for the whole thing.
The Future series is about Ratchet understanding that he doesn't really need to find the Lombaxes; Clank, Talwyn and everyone else around him are his family and he'd rather be with them than with the bunch of people he's never met before, even if those people are his own kind. This is a conclusion he reaches in Nexus too but then the cliffhanger kind of implies the next part of the story will be about going to the Lombax dimension which kind of defeats the point IMO
Youp, fully agree on that. Insomniac likes to call it an 'epilogue' to the Future saga, but it actually resurrects the "find the Lombaxes" story rather than concludes it.
I agree on that as well. Cora could have been a character to my liking. Ali Hillis would have been perfect for her. If she hadn't already replaced Tara Strong as Talwyn (Nexus), I think IG might have used her. Instead of letting her loose on computer voices and NPCs.
Honestly, I belive she was created for the sole reason of being voiced by a celebrity - she doesn't do anything relevant to the plot, has no real relationship with any of the main characters, has perhaps the most lazy character design in the series' history… Seriosuly, what is she doing there? I actually think all these new characters are serving as shells for celebrity voices, but they didn't manage to acquire as many stars as they have planned (after all, with three main heroes voiced by annonymous VAs they've got to squeeze in these poster names somewhere, right?).
Victor, he works for Drek, then he dies and that's pretty much it. MAYBE he was supposed to be in some sort of contradistinction to Clank (given how much he wanted to off that "DEEFECT!"
- both Drek Industries robots, yet two polar opposites, but the movie didn't really expand on that idea.
Zed, he seems to be acting as a comic relief. And honestly, an intern assistant for the main bad guy is not a bad idea. The problem is that, yet again, the movie doesn't really do much with that concept, Drek is pretty much a comic relief himself and there's already Victor, Nefarious and all the Blargs running around as the "baddie supporting characters".
Grim, a father figure for Ratchet, who could use A LITTLE more screentime with our main hero. There's not much to him other than that though.
Elaris, probably the only one, who has a likeable personality, a developed relationship with one of our main heroes (Clank) and plays an important role in the "brain vs. brawn" conflict, she's cool.
Brax, it's the same case as with Cora.
Seriously, what's the point of having all these characters? None of them gets enough time (okay, except for Elaris), most of them don't contribute to the story at all, they're not even fan service characters like Nefarious and most importantly they take screentime away from the titular characters! Seriously, my guess is they really exist just for the sake of celebs…