I started with the PS4 game I definitely noticed the writing was a little… off? The gameplay was really fun though.
I still have an issue with the gameplay though… Ratchet games were not really revolutionazing it's formula since Up Your Arsenal (and when they tried six years ago, people weren't happy…
, they keep on borrowing the best their predecessors had to offer for a long time… But they always managed to throw something new into the mix, improve on the old mechanics, make it feel like a new experience. I mean, ItN, as short as it was, introduced new controls sheme (well, improved FFA controls sheme), the zero-G gameplay, the jetpack, the new way of upgrading weapons with Raritanium, brand new Clank levels… What are PS4 game's original ideas? Well, there are Clank's levels, which I admit, are really well done, the dogfights play a little different, though are similar to those from R&C1 or GC and… The Proton Drum? Everything else is either copied straight from the previous series' entries, or are reskined ideas (I mean, Pixeliser is cool, but it's just another shotgun). For such a big, important title, that's pretty weak and I hope it doesn't become a standard for the series…
Personally I think they simply shouldn't have made a movie. If they really wanted to branch out and reach a wider audience a 20-30 episode TV show with an over-arching plot like Gravity Falls would have worked better and given them more time to tell the story properly.
Yeah, Ratchet & Clank is a pretty cartoony franchise and even the movie, with it's goofy scenes made me go "the would work much better in TV"… It's easy to judge now, after the movie's (certainly financial) failure and say "it was a bad idea from the start", but… Yeah, it would work better in TV, not even because of time for the character development, but because they simply fit more in 10-20 minutes episodes. But hey, they seem to have learned they lesson and Sly's getting a TV show instead of a movie.
Honestly i feel the movie would've of been so much better if it was just tj fixman's original script (with no offense to kevin mounroe of course).
We don't really know if it was good or not… It's not like everything Fixman does is a masterpiece. I would love to see it though, wish they could release it one day.