ps3 23 trophies: 8 7 7 1

Collect every trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus.

Reveal secret trophies with the top button Grav-Leap to the Thug ship circling the Nebulox Seven.

Reveal secret trophies with the top button Defeat Neftin Prog.

Reveal secret trophies with the top button Form an alliance with Neftin Prog.

Reveal secret trophies with the top button Defeat the Nether Leader and banish his kind.

Beat the game on Cadet difficulty.

Beat the game on Hero difficulty.

Beat the game on Legend difficulty.

Beat the game in Challenge Mode.

Win the Destructapalooza Bronze Cup.

Win the Destructapalooza Silver Cup.

Win the Destructapalooza Gold Cup.

Unlock the vault on planet Thram.

Purchase all weapons.

Purchase all armor.

Upgrade 1 weapon to level 6.

Upgrade all weapons to level 6.

Collect all Gold Bolts.

Collect 1,000,000 bolts over the course of the game.

Scare at least one of every type of enemy using the Nightmare Box.

Collect 200 raritanium over the course of the game.

Beat Pest Control with just the Omniwrench.

Complete all Netherverse segments.