It's Time to Reveal the Winning Skins People
The All 4 One Skin Contest Insomniac brought out back in April has finally unveiled the chosen winners this week. The Insomniac judges thought long and hard to see which skin had the most wacky, fan-inspiring and creative design for each playable character for Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One. Now without a further ado, here are the winners:
Captain Qwark
Let's give a round of applause to the winners and to those who participated in the contest. They truly deserve it for bringing such great creativity and effort through the process of these designs. Congratulations!
To read more about the winning skins for All 4 One, check here or this site for more details. Any Ratchet and Clank entries that didn't win, but were placed as honorable mentions can be seen in this gallery at
That's all the latest news we got for you today. Be sure to check Ratchet Galaxy for more Ratchet and Clank and Insomniac updates. Take care everyone.
Cool skins
looking forward to it.
Zombie Ratchet!
Aqua Clank is awesome!
But the zombie Ratchet it so detailed I fear it could cause the game to be rated Teen for reasons of 'fear' - that is to say, PEGI would fear that younger players (6 < younger players < 12) might be scared of him…
Lava Lamp Neffy makes me laugh!
Haha, that skeleton one is awesome! It's given me a new idea for a fanart now too, lol :P
When I first saw the zombie Ratchet skin it gave me a shock! LOL.
Lava lamp Nefarious! No wonder they chose that!
Oh yeah. Didn't you notice the heart knickers what Qwark has? LOL!!
i can't wait when the game comes out (rachet and clank all 4 one)
Lava Lamp Nefarious!
Also known as " Dr Lavarious "