Ratchet and Clank are on a roll this month! Not more than 2 weeks after an official movie trailer flooded the internet, Insomniac Games has released a brand new Ps4 Game Trailer!
Though nothing truthfully new is shown in the trailer, we do get to see more Clank gameplay as he escapes the robot factory, hunted by Victor Von Ion!
Planet Pokitaru gets the spotlight in this trailer, as we see many returning features, such as swimming, Telepathopus hunting, and aerial combat!
No new weapons were shown, but other worlds such as Gaspar, Kerwan, and the BTS station were featured. The trailer starts with a monologe from Qwark, and ends with a boss battle from Dr. Nefarious!
To be honest, the real treat was seeing how much the graphics have improved since the last trailer! Everything is beautiful, and Michael Bross's soundtrack really helps sell it!
For more news on Ratchet and Clank, stay tuned to Ratchet Galaxy.
"I noticed that Clank actually gets a double jump this time around. maybe, he'll play a bit more like Ratchet in this game?"
He's had a double jump since All 4 One. Makes me wonder if the heli-pack will be used in game?
@Animovie Ratchet
"I noticed that Clank actually gets a double jump this time around. maybe, he'll play a bit more like Ratchet in this game?"
He's had a double jump since All 4 One. Makes me wonder if the heli-pack will be used in game?"
Did he have one for Into the Nexus? I don't remember. I would usually just rotate gravity to get everywhere
"@Animovie Ratchet
"I noticed that Clank actually gets a double jump this time around. maybe, he'll play a bit more like Ratchet in this game?"
He's had a double jump since All 4 One. Makes me wonder if the heli-pack will be used in game?"
Did he have one for Into the Nexus? I don't remember. I would usually just rotate gravity to get everywhere
Yep. If you glitch out of the netherverse, you get to traverse normally, like so…youtube.com/…tch?v=bqwmc7u4z6o
was worried that Drek was replaced in the game, Insomniac just cleared that up in a comment on the trailer
"We didn't Drek is still in the game and movie."
"was worried that Drek was replaced in the game, Insomniac just cleared that up in a comment on the trailer
"We didn't Drek is still in the game and movie.""
I'm just glad Nefarious is in both. I love how all the characters (except Clank) are the exact same model from the movie
I really liked the music in the trailer and the graphics look just amazing!
There might be a Telepathopus in Pokitaru but I don't think the hunting will be as big as in Gaspar. It might be just 3 like in ToD with Leviathan Souls in Cobalia.
The explosions look amazing X3
"The explosions look amazing X3"
Those explosions were a combination of the water in the big ships, and the fuel from the fire.
Animovie, as KBABZ pointed out, you can invert these pictures for avatars or signatures, but when you're analising them, keep them the way you found them.