So here it is, yet another year in RG's legacy!
Ratchet Galaxy celebrates its 6th birthday !
[Six years of history]
In figures, we have…
During these six years, RG has seen a few people on its forums and on its numerous pages but in the end, statistics have stayed kind of confidential. However, for this special occasion, I thought it would be fun to show you the few figures that come along with these 2190 days of activity!
> 2,5 millions visits
> 322 000 hours spent on the site (almost 37 years!)
> 22 millions of page views
> 199 countries have seen a RG page on their network
> about 230 000 messages (comments included)
> about 350 000 private messages exchanged
And in a video, we have…
As always, RatchetBlaster wanted to give you something for this special event!
6 years ago began the Future saga. A much more epic dimension, a focus on storytelling, and a much deeper development of the characters. Ratchet & Clank gained maturity then when they first hit a new generation of consoles.
The same year appeared Ratchet Galaxy. Do you see where this is going, don't you? So you've probably guessed it, this video montage retraces the adventures of our favorite duo in the Future saga, but is also a kind of tribute to the long story written by the talented T.J Fixman and a little refresher at the approach of Into the Nexus, that will conclude a unique and memorable great tale.
I hope this will give you the envy to blast right off to the stars of the Polaris galaxy! ;)
[What's next on Ratchet Galaxy ?]
Exclusive interview of Michael Bross
As we previously announced, Michael Bross, composer for R&C games since All 4 One, will answer your questions.
This exclusive interview will arrive on the site in a few weeks! So stay tuned, it shouldn't be long by now!
A storm of cutscenes
After several demands on your end, our Media-Manager Ratchetlombax has set up the entirety of the cutscenes from Tools of Destruction, Full-Frontal Assault and PlayStation Move Heroes in HD quality on our YouTube channel ! And as usual with him, these are also downloadable on our website in the Multimedia section : you'll also be able to download them in .rar files, either in the same quality that YouTube usually offers for HD videos (and that you can freely copy on your PS3 and PSVita systems, the size and format being suitable for those), or sometimes in a much superieur quality for those who love making AMVs and other video montages ! :p)
If you wish to see the gap in quality of the cutscenes we can now offer, simply look this comparative screenshot with the new version (left side) and the old version (right side) right here ! :^^:
And considering the site…
…I will just say that some hints have made their way onto RatchetBlaster's video!
[More info]
> The gameplay video of R&C: Into The Nexus is now available in a longer version and without audio comments! It is our first opportunity to hear the music composed by Michael Bross!
> A car with a design Red Hot of Aphelion in A Crack In Time ? Check !
The whole RG team thanks you for your support!
Pollyx is in it working on "something" for the twins. That's getting more and more interesting…
And Happy Birthday RG of course
Yay! Love this site, I spend a lot of time here ^^
Happy B-day!
Happy Birthday Ratchet Galaxy
*holds a glass of wine into the air* And heres to the next 6 years :3
Yay!Happy Birthday :3, let's hope there'll be many more b-day's to come!
Im so happy for the success of one my favorite video game series!