[UPDATE] A Ratchet & Clank HD Collection confirmed? Well that's what this leak fron Amazon.fr could lead us to think, and if you read a little bit below, it's pretty much what I had predicted! The compilation is scheduled for May 16th, but I'm pretty sure it's not the final release date… Well, as they say, wait & see!
In other news, the videos from Ratchet & Clank : Going Commando are uploaded, but I noticed there were still a few videos missing, and I prefer to make them all available at the same time, so unfortunately that means a little more wait for you guys… Anyway, the videos from Ratchet & Clank Future : A Crack In Time are also coming, so no worries, you'll have them all in HD in the next few weeks while we're still in March!
Hello there!
First of all, I join myself to the rest of the team to wish you a happy new year 2012… may it not be our last! This year is also really important for the Ratchet & Clank series is about to celebrate it's 10-year anniversary since the very first game came out in 2002. I personally believe that Sony is preparing something special for this occasion, so let's just wait and see! :^^:
As the title of this news post says, I'm here to inform you of several things regarding the site : even though we don't post as much news posts as on the french version (mainly because a lot of them are about the french community), the site still gets updated from time to time, and often with major updates!
But let's begin with some of the latest Ratchet & Clank news, shall we!
[Ratchet & Clank News]
The soundtrack from All 4 One soon to be released
This is the very first time something like this happens for the Ratchet & Clank saga : All 4 One is the first episode that will have it's soundtrack officially released, and probably on digital platforms like iTunes. Unfortunately, we don't have a release date yet, but the thing is currently being planned by Sony, as it is written on Michael Bross' official website.
In that regard, please not that we will not release our usual game-rip on our website, even though it has already been done by one of our Media-Sources, Barnaby, and that the official release probably won't feature the total of 4 hours of music, but we do not wish to have any kind of conflict with Sony.
Thank you for your comprehension.
R&C:A4O : Patch 1.03 details
The patch has been released a few days ago, but I think you still might want to know what features it holds!
- Fixes: - Fixed a few issues with the final boss fight that could cause a progression stopper. - Skillpoints for beating the game should now unlock properly every time. There was an issue where it wasn’t working for some online users. - Heroes are now only awarded A Band of Weirdos when they do the correct actions. - A bolt exploit has been closed. - Changing the critter type now displays the correct critter in the pause menu. - Subtitle readability was improved for the holodiary at the beginning of Power Station in Terawatt in 3D. - Heroes level progression is now saved more reliably. - Other minor bug fixes.
- New Features: - In Singleplayer games you can now skip loading movies. - Players no longer see games in levels that they have not reached yet.
[Ratchet Galaxy Updates]
All the R&C:A4O cutscenes are now available!
So here we go, this is the major update that the English version has had in the last few weeks : all the cutscenes from Ratchet & Clank : All 4 One are now available for download on the video section of our site! And this is also the first time that cutscenes are available in HD, so enjoy the high-quality!… Well, almost in high-quality actually :o))
That's right, the videos that are featured on this page are not in the highest quality to avoid you to download one by one a total of 3.2Gb of videos (and that is also because we're starting to have some server storage issues). But fear not, because we have an alternative for those who love a crystal-clear sound and image : you still can download a 3.2Gb RAR folder right at this link!
> Download the cutscenes in HD
But what about the cutscenes from the other games?
Well that is a very good question my dear fake-voice-in-my-head-that-is-supposed-to-represent-you! And I also happen to have an answer to that!
So, as of the other games released on PlayStation 3, you already know that their cutscenes are already available, but only in SD and not in HD. This is currently something I am personally working on, but please note that it takes time to record every cutscene, avoid audio or video glitches (which oddly happens a lot for me on Tools of Destruction), to edit them, to encode them, name them, put them online, organize the download page and making their respective icons… And I'm not mentioning the fact that I also have to do it in French!
Anyway, I will be trying to put a new batch of videos at every beginning of month, that means you'll have to wait a few more weeks to have those from A Crack in Time! :p)
Meanwhile, one of our Media-Sources, Malier313, has already recorded the cutscenes from Ratchet & Clank : Going Commando and all I have to do left is to put them online and make their icons (which takes a bit of time). I will still try to make them available to you in the next two weeks, so I'll keep you posted!
And now the little updates!
So if you haven't been checking the Updates List page, you should know that minor and major updates always appear there. This is a way to keep you informed of any changes we've made to the content of the site without having to make you a news post for everyone of them!
As you might have noticed, we are currently working on upgrading the R&C:A4O section of the site by adding new artworks we've just found and completing the infos on the different pages of that section! Meanwhile, our new writer Amon Ayres is working on completing the infos on the pages from the older Ratchet & Clank games, which also takes time!
I would finally like to take this time to personally thank Tara Cross for keeping the site up and working and for updating the news posts regularly (even though the last one goes back to december, but there haven't been much about R&C since then!).
[In Other News]
What we read on the interwebs…
> Insomniac Games gets for the 13th time the Great Place to work award in North America. You should also know that they are the only video game company that has ever been featured on that list! Congrats to them (a little late though)!
> If you haven't seen it yet, this video show you that Ratchet and Clank are really everywhere, even in the 2011 Santa Clause parade in Toronto!
> A Crack In Time has been named in the 12 best games of the PlayStation 3 by the famous site known as Kotaku.com.
> Ted Price, founder of Insomniac Games, has been featured in an amusing video interview called "the Price is wrong" in which he lists his past mistakes in his video game career… and that's how Ratchet almost didn't have any eyebrows!
Well, I think that's it! Thanks for reading this really long news post that was full of infos!
And, until next time, keep on playin'! :^^:
Sorry about that, I was messing with the code for a future update…
Anyway, fixed the issue!
"Sorry about that, I was messing with the code for a future update…
Anyway, fixed the issue!
Now none of the other videos are there. It goes up to "To late again" when (even though they wouldn't download) the other videos were there.
But thanks anyway
I just tested the links and the problem doesn't happen to me… You could try to clear your cache, I think it might help you fix the problem
"I just tested the links and the problem doesn't happen to me… You could try to clear your cache, I think it might help you fix the problem
Its doing the same issue for me, and I cleared my cache and still no change. I even tried another browser. No luck.
So what's the problem exactly? You can't download the videos or you can't simply watch them online?
Sorry if I misunderstood if that's actually the problem
"So what's the problem exactly? You can't download the videos or you can't simply watch them online?
Sorry if I misunderstood if that's actually the problem
It only has the cutscenes up to "Too Late Again" none of the others are uploaded.
Oh, well that's perfectly normal then, since they shouldn't be available yet because they're not ready
"Oh, well that's perfectly normal then, since they shouldn't be available yet because they're not ready
Ohh alright haha. I thought maybe they were ready lol.
i was hoping for ratchet and clank collection this year heres hoping
What about cutscenes for the older games? When can we expect them?