As we promised in our latest news, a surprise was making its way today for all you
mateys ! :)
We are glad to make a new design available for the website, entirely created with the R&C Quest For Booty spirit in our minds.
You can change back and forth between our two designs on the Design Switch page in the Community category.
Just as the Dark Blue design, the Quest For Booty design has been conceived with the highest resolution in mind, but also the smaller ones. However, to fully enjoy it, a 1920x1200 screen resolution is prefered.
For those of you who would like to download the wallpaper for their personal use, here is a 1920x1200 version. More resolutions will be soon proposed for download.
>> Download the QFB design's wallpaper (full HD)
We hope you enjoy the new design, and expect to read your opinions ! ;)
Design created by Vince, Ratchetlombax, JaKhris and RatchetBlaster
Yay!!! But i will keep using the old one…for now.
Wow, I think it looks rather nice
good work everyone! I'm using it right now XD
Good job guys. Looks nice.
I like the new look of RG
Man, this theme rules!
better than the newer one!