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yeah, it sometimes takes a while for art and fiction to be approved, fiction takes a little longer though
yeah, it sometimes takes a while for art and fiction to be approved, fiction takes a little longer though
Messages: 203
Ah, alright, just want to make sure =3
Ratchet and Clank: Lost in Reality, a Ratchet and Clank fanfiction by Jessica M.
Messages: 32
Hi there everyone! I'm Shadow Puppet XD
I'm both a J&D and a R&C fan. R&C is a little more appealing to me though since it's more sci fi. I'm sad that I can't play the newer gems though. I absolutely love the way A Crack in Time looks though!
Messages: 288
Welcome SwwetT. You're on the IG forums too aren't you? I never thought you were a famale though. Not that it matters!
Messages: 203
lol Why does everyone think I'm a guy. I would think the fangirl talk would show otherwise
But yeah, I'm Sweetteaholic on IG. And thanks guys =3
Ratchet and Clank: Lost in Reality, a Ratchet and Clank fanfiction by Jessica M.
Hi there everyone! I'm Shadow Puppet XD
I'm both a J&D and a R&C fan. R&C is a little more appealing to me though since it's more sci fi. I'm sad that I can't play the newer gems though. I absolutely love the way A Crack in Time looks though!
Welcome along to Ratchet Galaxy ;D enjoy yer stay here!
Messages: 288
So Tara, you're going to Germany for a holiday? I am too!
Yup, I'm leaving near the end of June. Which means I won't be here much during then (I'll still get to come on now and again though) I'm going for about 5 weeks.
Messages: 288
I'm leaving at the beginning I'll be there for 6 weeks. We may be there in the same country in the same time.
Uhh, hi,
I seem to be Lombaxdude42. I'm not too keen on putting my personal information on the internet. But as everyone else has said some stuff; I'm Rupert, 14 years old, British and mad about Ratchet and Clank
That's all I want to say if that's alright with everyone else. (I'm a bit shy )
This is the Signature Box. Writing in it means that things will appear under your posts; write as you please, for example: Why not describe the purpose of the Signature Box?
that's fine and welcome to ratchet galaxy rupert
Uhh, hi,
I seem to be Lombaxdude42. I'm not too keen on putting my personal information on the internet. But as everyone else has said some stuff; I'm Rupert, 14 years old, British and mad about Ratchet and Clank![]()
That's all I want to say if that's alright with everyone else. (I'm a bit shy)
Heh it's no problem, and welcome to Ratchet Galaxy anyhow
Messages: 288
I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Hello everyone!I am Alexander and I'm only 11 but still a HUGE fan of Ratchet and Clank!!I live in Houston,Texas
( and my life long dream is to make games (especially Ratchet and Clank)and create other things.Anyway,I've been a R&C fan since I was about 5.Ever since that day,I LOVED to play R&C!!Currently,I have played the first 5 games
and I am looking forward to the Future series!I don't know about you,but I love to listen to R&C music!!
I have listened to music from all the Ratchet and Clank games and they are all awesome!I don' have much to say,so give me yer loot!!!Just kidding!
Hello there and welcome aboard heh, age doesn't matter when it comes to being a Ratchet fan so no worries
hope you enjoy your stay here too!