Thread: Introduce yourself

Hey all! My name's Matt. I've been hooked on Ratchet and Clank since I tried the original demo way back. I'm stoked to find a site of people who are equally obsessed with R&C.

Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, Matt! I'm sure you'll fit right in. emoji

Hello, Matt. Welcome to the forums emoji

Hi Matt emoji

Hello, Matt!

Hi there ! Another french member is coming ! emoji

I am xlight111x, my real name is Pierrick, i'm 18 years old and i live somewhere in France.
I've discovered Ratchet and Clank many years ago with R&C Deadlocked, and i've decided to join Ratchet Galaxy in 2012. emoji

I like video-games (especially the FPS and TPS), read novels, and make 3D sometimes. I'm currently playing on PS3.
Also, i am a huge fan of science-fiction. emoji I would like to explore space, but its impossible. emoji

I don't know how many times i will stay here, but i will enjoy it ! emoji

Oh, and i'm sorry if i make some english mistakes. emoji

Bienvenue, Light!
Hope to see you stay. emoji

Welcome to the Dark English side, xlightx111x!

So… is your avatar something from Mass Effect? Looks eerily similar to something Heather would use as her avatar emoji

No, that looks like it's from the TIE fighter ANIME video!

Thank you ! emoji

No, its coming from that poster, and the character coming from that awesome short movie.
I've just used GIMP to make my avatar, with the character and the background. emoji

Looks like i'm not the only person that know this movie, good ! emoji

No, that looks like it's from the TIE fighter ANIME video!

Yeah, I just noticed the Star Destroyer in the background.

…and the Trooper helmet. :oui:
It's HG approved.

I don't think there are any black Storm Troopers though except for Episode 7 of course…

I don't think there are any black Storm Troopers though except for Episode 7 of course…

I think Storm troopers are conscripts.

I don't think there are any black Storm Troopers though except for Episode 7 of course…

I see what you did there!

They're Shadow Stormtroopers. I believe they were never featured in the films, only Expanded Universe:

User image

Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy Matt. and xlight111x… unfortunately I have nothing to add to the Star Wars discussion, so I'll just wish you guys all the best at settling in on the English forums emoji