Hmm I'm not really sure about Nefarious coming back, well I like him a lot though (one of my favorite villains) but it may seem a bit too out of place… I imagine there would be a new villain or maybe even Tachyon if he didn't die (he's just shown falling into a black hole) or maybe even Lawrence has something planned 8O?
It would be nice to see Nefarious again, but I would agree with Tara that he needs a break. I like him as well, but we need to see a new villain and characters since every Ratchet and Clank title needs something new and different but at least keep some old elements from the previous titles. Perhaps this new villain might have connections with Max Apogee and Orvus… maybe?
It's possible that Tachyon might of survived that black hole, but with that rock falling ontop of him, I don't know… 
I had some thoughts of Lawrence planning something big and might even become a main villain one day, but I don't think that could actually work. I cannot really see Lawrence as a main baddie. It might ruin his proper butler image.
I'd like to see a villian that is ratchet's darkest and most treachous yet. Nefarious was pathetic and had no real proper "deviousness" (Although tying Ratchet to the asteriod was a little devious, cruel and creative).
I'd like to see a villian with no heart, no mercy, and no limit to evilness, like Charles Manson.
Okay, a much better example, how about Desmond McCain?