Thread: Best Worlds and Planets in ACIT

My favourite levels are Krell Canyon, and Nefarious' Space station, the first one, not the battle.
What's yours?

Deleted user

I haven't played all the levels yet so I'm not sure (I only got to rent it, but I have seen all the cutscenes though) But I like Krell Canyon a lot too emoji

Deleted user

Definitely the Great Clock is my favorite level and place to go to. It was epic, pretty and big to explore each sector. It reminded me of a fantasy like shopping mall.

Second would have to be Krell Canyon because hover booting the open area was fun to do and it was definitely one of the most memorable worlds to go to in A Crack in Time.

Deleted user

I really like the Great Clock too, such a big, creative and neatly designed place to explore around =D

I actually like planet Zanifar, how you go from seeing it as a cold, dull, eh…place, to a happy sunny paradise when you go back in time.

But if we're not restricted to just ACIT, I'd be Fastoon

Deleted user
I actually like planet Zanifar, how you go from seeing it as a cold, dull, eh…place, to a happy sunny paradise when you go back in time.

But if we're not restricted to just ACIT, I'd be Fastoon

Zanifar was actually a decent place to go to and it was quite a unique world to visit to in a Crack in Time. It certainly wasn't too exciting for me, but it definitely had a nice level design.

In my opinion, probably the only exciting moment in Zanifar was the brainwashed Fongoids from two years ago that worshiped Dr.Nefarious. It was bizarre, but funny as heck. emoji

Probably the only exciting moment for me in Zanifar was the brainwashed Fongoids from two years ago that worshiped Dr.Nefarious. It was bizarre, but funny as heck.

(in mono-tone) "A day without Dr.Nefarious is like a day without sunshine" lol emoji

Nefarious Space Station. Best level and best cut-scenes.

Deleted user

Probably the only exciting moment for me in Zanifar was the brainwashed Fongoids from two years ago that worshiped Dr.Nefarious. It was bizarre, but funny as heck.

(in mono-tone) "A day without Dr.Nefarious is like a day without sunshine" lol emoji

Rofl! Yes, that was funny as xD I want to go back there again, just for kicks XD

Probably the only exciting moment for me in Zanifar was the brainwashed Fongoids from two years ago that worshiped Dr.Nefarious. It was bizarre, but funny as heck.

(in mono-tone) "A day without Dr.Nefarious is like a day without sunshine" lol emoji

"Dr. Nefarious is not a disappointment, like his mother once suggested."

I'm assuming his mom isn't expecting anything for Mother's Day then. emoji

EDIT: Oh and I forgot what level I liked XD

My fav would be The Great Clock. There's so much going on in the level and it felt the most alive. Just the things flying around and the gears moving and such, it felt real.

I agree with sweetT about the great clock it's awesome! emoji

I agree with sweetT about the great clock it's awesome! emoji

I Do Too Its Awsome

I'm actually not that fond of the great clock, I mean the levels are cool and the puzzles are well thought out but whenever it switched from Ratchet to Clank in the great clock, I think "oh great, another 10-20 minutes before I can be Ratchet again" coz I love playing as Ratchet.

Or maybe its just that I don't like playing as Clank, coz I felt the same way in TOD when I had to do the bits on Fastoon and Reepor.

I hate the Great Clock. So dull and inane really.

well mine is actually is krell cannon