Deleted user

I'm actually not that fond of the great clock, I mean the levels are cool and the puzzles are well thought out but whenever it switched from Ratchet to Clank in the great clock, I think "oh great, another 10-20 minutes before I can be Ratchet again" coz I love playing as Ratchet.
Or maybe its just that I don't like playing as Clank, coz I felt the same way in TOD when I had to do the bits on Fastoon and Reepor.
Well at least with Clank's gameplay in ACIT, it was more puzzle solving and pretty fun compared to previous Clank gameplay in other Ratchet and Clank titles. The gameplay in previous titles were simple with not a lot of challenge at all, even if his gameplay were slightly a little bit different in each game. So I actually didn't mind it at all since I like Clank a lot and the recording puzzles makes you think when you play them for the first time, especially the later puzzles.