Thread: Angela Cross (May Contain Major Spoilers)

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Discuss anything about Angela Cross.

The stuff in this thread might contain Major Spoilers about Angela in the Ratchet and Clank series.

She first appeared in Going Commando and after that game, many fans have pondered many questions about Angela Cross, especially if she was related to Ratchet's species or not.

So discuss away! emoji

I remember the news says that she is a lombax but something about her makes me think that she might be cross breed I don't know why but it does =/

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Heheh lots of people argue, discuss and debate about her XD

But I reckon she's an alright character, definitely not a bad one. At least she had a personality, and important role in R&C2 =D and I didn't really find her annoying (like some others did) I thought she was kinda funny at times, especially during one of the final cutscenes, lol.

But yeah, when I first saw her I always thought she was a lombax, or something relating to a lombax. Because of the fur and near exact same facial structure as Ratchet. But then people say "naw she's not!" and even the Insomniacs did after ToD came out o_O but then they changed their mind I assume, and now they state that she is one. Though many won't believe it. Who knows, maybe she's just a different type of lombax or hybrid of one? I dont see what the big deal is anyway o_O?

you got a point there but even if she isn't a lombax I think she's an alright character I liked her better then qwark though

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I remember the news says that she is a lombax but something about her makes me think that she might be cross breed I don't know why but it does =/

The news? Oh you mean the radio broadcast in A Crack in Time. I know many fans are still in denial hearing about Angela being a Lombax and such, especially fans on Deviant Art. They were pretty furious by this information, but many DA members will get offended by anything. emoji

When I heard about Angela's true species, I wasn't offended at all, but I was quite surprised about it. Insomniac chose this decision and it's never going to get changed, unless if something else might happen to Angela in another R and C title, which I seriously doubt it.

yeah that's the one from crack in time altough it's not the race thing that offends me it's the fact that female lombaxs don't have tails that made me sad I wish they do though cause tails are awesome! emoji

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But I reckon she's an alright character, definitely not a bad one. At least she had a personality, and important role in R&C2 =D and I didn't really find her annoying (like some others did) I thought she was kinda funny at times, especially during one of the final cutscenes, lol.

But yeah, when I first saw her I always thought she was a lombax, or something relating to a lombax. Because of the fur and near exact same facial structure as Ratchet. But then people say "naw she's not!" and even the Insomniacs did after ToD came out o_O but then they changed their mind I assume, and now they state that she is one. Though many won't believe it. Who knows, maybe she's just a different type of lombax or hybrid of one? I dont see what the big deal is anyway o_O?

I do agree with you that Angela has a fun personality. She was actually pretty funny in Going Commando. Also, let's not forget that she was pretty resourceful too in the story. Other female characters such as Sasha and Tawlyn are a little too serious and not entirely fun at times. But Angela on the other hand makes more comedy than any other female characters in the Ratchet and Clank franchise. Although, I heard Juanita is supposed to be hilarious, but since I haven't played Deadlocked yet, there's nothing I can say about her.

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I remember the news says that she is a lombax but something about her makes me think that she might be cross breed I don't know why but it does =/

The news? Oh you mean the radio broadcast in A Crack in Time. I know many fans are still in denial hearing about Angela being a Lombax and such, especially fans on Deviant Art. They were pretty furious by this information, but many DA members will get offended by anything. emoji

When I heard about Angela's true species, I wasn't offended at all, but I was quite surprised about it. Insomniac chose this decision and it's never going to get changed, unless if something else might happen to Angela in another R and C title, which I seriously doubt it.

Lmao! Really? man, that's funny. I don't visit DA much anymore, so I wasn't sure what the reaction was there. But I guess they're probably just angry because of the "Females don't have tails" thing. Well who knows, maybe they really do but oh well =P it's up to the Insomniacs if they chose to use that or not. Would be interesting to see her in a future title if they chose to make her appear, but they don't really like Angela that much, judging from their podcasts. Well she has only been seen/mentioned in TWO games, throughout the entire series. Even other unpopular/disliked characters have had way more mentions.

you can check out the cutscenes tara had put up on youtube I saw them myself even though it's the only ratchet and clank game I havn't own yet and I find some of the cutscenes funny

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Oh yeah, Juanita is hilarious (my favorite female character), but also scary (eats remotes and a cameraman robot) and is very cruel towards Ratchet (except near the end when he's about to save her, Dallas and the rest of the people at Dreadzone, not including Vox)

I remember the news says that she is a lombax but something about her makes me think that she might be cross breed I don't know why but it does =/

She is a lombax, Insomniac even admit it in that "Top 5 things you may have missed in ACIT" video. Its in the ACIT videos section on this site. Its the second last video in the list

You also have to remember that she's an adult female lombax and that Ratchet is only 16 in GC, thats why she looks so different to ratchet

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I remember long ago (before the future series) that Angela's height was explained by an Insomniac employee that she's taller than normal, because she grew up on a low gravity planet (which I think was Gremlin). But I'm not sure if it's official anymore, but it could explain that XD
but hey, Azimuth is quite a bit bigger than Ratchet too, and Ratchet's a young adult by now. Unless they keep growing as they get older.

Too bad we haven't seen any other female lombaxes in the series, would be nice to see what Ratchet's mother was like.

whoops I mean wish not wosh my bad ^^'

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When I heard about Angela's true species, I wasn't offended at all, but I was quite surprised about it. Insomniac chose this decision and it's never going to get changed, unless if something else might happen to Angela in another R and C title, which I seriously doubt it.

Unless someone uses a morph a ray…