I remember the news says that she is a lombax but something about her makes me think that she might be cross breed I don't know why but it does =/
The news? Oh you mean the radio broadcast in A Crack in Time. I know many fans are still in denial hearing about Angela being a Lombax and such, especially fans on Deviant Art. They were pretty furious by this information, but many DA members will get offended by anything.
When I heard about Angela's true species, I wasn't offended at all, but I was quite surprised about it. Insomniac chose this decision and it's never going to get changed, unless if something else might happen to Angela in another R and C title, which I seriously doubt it.
Lmao! Really? man, that's funny. I don't visit DA much anymore, so I wasn't sure what the reaction was there. But I guess they're probably just angry because of the "Females don't have tails" thing. Well who knows, maybe they really do but oh well =P it's up to the Insomniacs if they chose to use that or not. Would be interesting to see her in a future title if they chose to make her appear, but they don't really like Angela that much, judging from their podcasts. Well she has only been seen/mentioned in TWO games, throughout the entire series. Even other unpopular/disliked characters have had way more mentions.