Thread: R.Y.N.O Thread

Things seem to be a little slow lately on the Forum so I thought I'd spark up a new thread.

Which was you favorite R.Y.N.O. and why?

I really like the R.Y.N.O. V from ACIT.
it looks awesome, Its literally bigger than Ratchet this time, its really powerful and (my favorite reason) it plays the 1812 Festival Overture while firing it, its so funny to use!! emoji

lol I like the RYNO V as well I can hear the music when I fire it even when I turn the sound and music volume (I leaft the speech volume full blast)

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Lol oh yes, the RYNO V is one of the best XD my little brother loves it and I always hear him using it when Im busy working on something (as he plays CiT lol) but I liked the RYNO 2 as well, though I still haven't even gotten the RYNO IV yet (havent really had time to play games lately)

Lol oh yes, the RYNO V is one of the best XD my little brother loves it and I always hear him using it when Im busy working on something (as he plays CiT lol) but I liked the RYNO 2 as well, though I still haven't even gotten the RYNO IV yet (havent really had time to play games lately)

I really like the R.Y.N.O. IV too, it fires hundreds of lasers and vaporises whatever is unlucky enough to be standing in front of it. lol

I used to call it the "oh f**k this" gun coz I'd always use it when there was loads of enemies around and I was in a rush to move on to the next area, emoji

I used to call it the "oh f**k this" gun coz I'd always use it when there was loads of enemies around and I was in a rush to move on to the next area, emoji

XD niiiice

Deleted user

Lol really XD? Well I haven't gotten it yet but I did hear it was powerful and can beat Tachyon in only a few seconds!

I normally use my cannon you know the cannon that the woman said 'open a can of whoop a**'

Lol really XD? Well I haven't gotten it yet but I did hear it was powerful and can beat Tachyon in only a few seconds!

Thats true actually, the first time I fought Tachyon he killed me like a million times coz my guns weren't strong enough and I kept running out of ammo, but the second time, when I tried it with the R.Y.N.O IV…..My god, I've never seen a health bar drop so fast, lol emoji I finished the first part of the fight in like 3 seconds!

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Lol really XD? Well I haven't gotten it yet but I did hear it was powerful and can beat Tachyon in only a few seconds!

Thats true actually, the first time I fought Tachyon he killed me like a million times coz my guns weren't strong enough and I kept running out of ammo, but the second time, when I tried it with the R.Y.N.O IV…..My god, I've never seen a health bar drop so fast, lol emoji I finished the first part of the fight in like 3 seconds!

Lol! That's hilarious, yeah I had a bit of a hard time beating him too, since the weapons just don't do too much to him, only very slowly.

Got defeated Nefarious in a few second with my RYNO 5!

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RYNO 5 was definitely my favorite RYNO. Why?

1. It was epically big
2. It was easier to get enemies down with
3. It played 1812 Festival Overture while firing the weapon (and I do enjoy an epic classical score)

Even though I didn't find the gun to be 100% original like the other versions of the RYNO, but it was the most fun version to use in the Ratchet and Clank games.

I also liked the RYNO 4 and the first RYNO.

The 4th RYNO was quite unique with having many laser targets than a lot of firerly explosions. And it was easier to fight Tachyon with this baby.

The first RYNO is pretty much the gun that started the "Rip You a New One" phase. How can you not like the original? Plus this gun was so powerful that it can destroy Drek pretty quickly since I find Drek to be one of the hardest boss in the R and C series.