The main reason why i like the RYNO V least is because i dont like when bullets dont hit my enemies.
I could call it a Miss-o-phobia 
Thats why i like the RYNO I, the RYNO II and the RYNO IV more. Because you actually hit the enemy (well of course unless there is an enemy in reach
I also dislike the fully upgraded combuster, it shoots three bullets but mostly only one of them hits…
Its wierd, i kinda get a bad feeling when that happens, i just dont like it
Perhaps you get the feeling your wasting ammo? But in reality when you fire once and 3 bullets come out, it only uses up 1 ammo.
Well, Isn't that why the RYNO V had an ammo capability of 3000? Unlike the other RYNO weapons, this one didn't lock on to it's target, therefore it had the most ammo capability in the series possibly because when you fire it, the missiles miss your targets. Maybe it was just supposed to be made that way…