Thread: Music Score & Soundtracks from Video Games

These are my favorite tunes from the games I play…

I encourage all of you to listen through each piece from 8 to 1. They are in order from last awesome to most awesome. It doesn't matter if you've played the games or not, you'll know what I mean when you reach the end of Number 1.

8. inFamous Kessler Boss Fight: - really nice piece that finishes the game on an extremely epic note!
7. inFamous 2 Boat Hopping: - Sad music for a sad ending to a sad game
6. inFamous 2 The Final piece: - Great music to sum up the action in this game
5. Metal Gear Solid 4 At Dawn: - establishes the end very nicely.
4. Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots: - An amazing piece that really grows the scale of the situation completely off the charts.
3. Portal 2 Reconstructing Science: - It's just a cool piece that suits the futuristic theme of Potral 2
2. Metal Gear Solid 4 Encounter: - To show when a situation has gotten really out of hand this music plays, it really gets you to the end of the fight.
1. Metal Gear Solid 4 Main Theme: - perfectly sums up the sadness and frantic action and stories of the Metal Gear games.

I made a short tribute that should make you run to the store to get the movie!emoji

Wow! That looks amazing, definietly on to-watch list now!

And i found out yesterday that they are making a second one, its coming out in 2015

These are my favorite tunes from the games I play…

I encourage all of you to listen through each piece from 8 to 1. They are in order from last awesome to most awesome. It doesn't matter if you've played the games or not, you'll know what I mean when you reach the end of Number 1.

8. inFamous Kessler Boss Fight: - really nice piece that finishes the game on an extremely epic note!
7. inFamous 2 Boat Hopping: - Sad music for a sad ending to a sad game
6. inFamous 2 The Final piece: - Great music to sum up the action in this game
5. Metal Gear Solid 4 At Dawn: - establishes the end very nicely.
4. Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots: - An amazing piece that really grows the scale of the situation completely off the charts.
3. Portal 2 Reconstructing Science: - It's just a cool piece that suits the futuristic theme of Potral 2
2. Metal Gear Solid 4 Encounter: - To show when a situation has gotten really out of hand this music plays, it really gets you to the end of the fight.
1. Metal Gear Solid 4 Main Theme: - perfectly sums up the sadness and frantic action and stories of the Metal Gear games.

Only pieces i havent listened to before on that list are the MGS4 ones, because i dont play those games, they do sound good though emoji The rest I have listened to, the InFamous 2 soundtrack is one of my favourites emoji

Metal Gear has some great tunes idd. I especially like this one:

Lol I clicked on that with headphones on and volume up full, nearly blew the head off me!
Its a nice piece though emoji
I prefer instrumental music as well emoji There arent many songs with people singing in them that I like.
Some instrumentals have a woman singing in it but i dont mind that, they not really singing words :L

There's a few really cool VGM and track that I like that are vocal.

Let's Celebrate - R&C: Tools of Destruction
Fear Not This Night - Guilt Wars 2
My Hands - Final Fantasy XIII
City Escape - Sonic Generations Modern Version
Reach for the Stars - Sonic Colours
So Much More - Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Endless Possibility - Sonic Unleashed
Madder - Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
All I Want - Crazy Taxi 2 (and pretty much the whole soundtrack is awesome)
Character Select - Mario Slam Basketball

Breath of Life - Snow White & The Huntsman
Bittersweet - Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Safe & Sound - The Hunger Games (and all other Beyond District 12 songs)
When I Caught Myself - Twilight


Journey's got one of the best VG soundtracks I've ever heard - and probably the most scene-fitting one.



I said that from the ones I've heard emoji

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