Thread: Similarities in the Ratchet and Clank Universe

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I kind of had thoughts about this comparison a while back, but does the main armor that Ratchet wears in A Crack in Time kind of reminds you of the outfits worn in the movie TRON or TRON Legacy?

Just the dark outfit with blue vibrant designs just reminds me of TRON right away, especially the designs on Ratchet's helmet.

Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
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TRON Legacy
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I just thought this was really interesting… it was posted at the Insomniac forums long ago but I couldnt find it again until now, so… here you go!

(Quoted from Kazumy at Insomniac forum) : Turbo is a foreigner that he finds a job, at the end he had a mision: explorer the galaxy and find the weak point of the Xunguis. Her fiends is Bip, a survivor robot, so the Xunguis destroid his planet.

(apparently, this was made before R&C came out too. And it's a Spanish comic)

But yeah, rather interesting it has a lot of similarities to Ratchet and Clank XD

I Just noticed Turbos Outfit comes out in the comic (lower right corner)
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also on another issue those two purple things look like Talwyn and Artimis Zogg (with hair)
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I kind of want to read those comics now …would be a good way to practice my Spanish.

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emoji Wow, that kind of does looks like Turbo's coat. Didn't really notice that before.

Here's a music comparison I found, but the only problem is I don't really know which R&C track sounds like the song I've recently listened to.

While playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 and hearing the beginning of This Track, I thought of Ratchet and Clank right away. I just don't know which music from the Ratchet games though, but I could have sworn that I've heard it before.

Another music comparison I have found is Tidal Terror from Donkey Kong Country Returns. The beginning of the song reminds me of certain music levels from either Going Commando or Up Your Arsenal, like the Sewer level in Aquatos or the Thugs HQ in Snivelak.

Wow, that kind of does looks like Turbo's coat. Didn't really notice that before.

Here's a music comparison I found, but the only problem is I don't really know which R&C track sounds like the song I've recently listened to.

While playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 and hearing the beginning of This Track, I thought of Ratchet and Clank right away. I just don't know which music from the Ratchet games though, but I could have sworn that I've heard it before.

Another music comparison I have found is Tidal Terror from Donkey Kong Country Returns. The beginning of the song reminds me of certain music levels from either Going Commando or Up Your Arsenal, like the Sewer level in Aquatos or the Thugs HQ in Snivelak.

I know right emoji Just imagine ratchet wearing that coat.

As for the music its been a long while since I played the ps2 titles, but I do agree those tracks you listed have a R&C vibe to them.


Vorn Reminds me of Mort Goldman from Family guy.and because of this my mind automatically casted his voice everytime I read Vorns lines.
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also this
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captin quark looks to much like buz lightyear

emoji Wow, that kind of does looks like Turbo's coat. Didn't really notice that before.

Here's a music comparison I found, but the only problem is I don't really know which R&C track sounds like the song I've recently listened to.

While playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 and hearing the beginning of This Track, I thought of Ratchet and Clank right away. I just don't know which music from the Ratchet games though, but I could have sworn that I've heard it before.

Another music comparison I have found is Tidal Terror from Donkey Kong Country Returns. The beginning of the song reminds me of certain music levels from either Going Commando or Up Your Arsenal, like the Sewer level in Aquatos or the Thugs HQ in Snivelak.

This track of Two Steps from Hell realy felt like grinding the Rails in Going Commando Run n Gun

Deleted user
This track of Two Steps from Hell realy felt like grinding the Rails in Going Commando Run n Gun

You're right, that track from Two Steps From Hell does sound like something out of a Ratchet game, especially from Going Commando or even Up Your Arsenal.

captin quark looks to much like buz lightyear

Am I assure you that you're not the only one that think he looks too similar like Buzz Light year.

There are quite a lot of characters out there that resembles Qwark in some ways.

Here's Captain Qwark
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Then here's the most common characters that people would compare Captain Qwark with. Which are Zapp Brannigan from Futurama and Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story.

Zapp Brannigan
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Buzz Lightyear
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Any characters with an egoistic personality, long or butt chins, big chests or anything that relates to Qwark in a way… would fit Qwark perfectly in comparison. You can definitely see a lot of characters like these in many animated shows and films.

Heck, even Simon Belmont from the Captain N cartoon reminds me of Captain Qwark sometimes with that brawn chest and butt chin feature of his. Take a look…

Simon Belmont from Captain N
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Yup, they sure wrecked a well known videogame character from the Castlevania games. What a shame really… emoji

So I am sure you can find a character like this in any cartoon you have seen as a kid or something recent today.

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I cant post pics right now, sorry… but….

Clank/ Gir (Invader Zim)
Tachyon/Nidhiki (bionicle)

with Percy and Nidhiki, it's two things: Nidhiki's voice sounds like a cross between Tachyon, a little bit of Dr. Nefarious, and Darth Vader (the way he breathes)

plus nidhiki has more than two legs, he has four…. but is SO MUCH bigger than percy.

*ooh! wait! heres Nidhiki:

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ill post more pics later- sorry about the YAY 4 NIDHIKI thing, i did it to show my love of the character to my friend a while back. he was always my favorite bionicle character. its such a shame he died in the same movie of his first appearance. emoji

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I hope this isn't an insult when I mention this comparison up, but I gotta say that The Green Goblin costume from Spider-Man the Movie does remind me of Dr.Nefarious in a way. Even the way Willem Dafoe acts in gesture as the Green Goblin is just over the top and pretty goofy… Just like Dr.Nefarious.

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Just watch the first Spider-man film carefully so you can really point out the similarities between these two villains.

Deleted user
I hope this isn't an insult when I mention this comparison up, but I gotta say that The Green Goblin costume from Spider-Man the Movie does remind me of Dr.Nefarious in a way. Even the way Willem Dafoe acts in gesture as the Green Goblin is just over the top and pretty goofy… Just like Dr.Nefarious.

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Just watch the first Spider-man film carefully so you can really point out the similarities between these two villains.

An insult? This is a perfect comparsion. The Green Goblin acts a lot like Nefarious and resembles him a bit, as well.

To make the similarities even more, Arnim Shimmerman, Nefarious's voice actor, has also voiced the Green Goblin in the video game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2.

Deleted user
An insult? This is a perfect comparsion. The Green Goblin acts a lot like Nefarious and resembles him a bit, as well.

I only said that at first because in my opinion, I thought the Green Goblin in Spider-man 1 felt too goofy in that movie, making the character himself pretty forced and ridiculous to begin with. But of course, I am sure people may not find nothing wrong with the Green Goblin at all.

An insult? This is a perfect comparsion. The Green Goblin acts a lot like Nefarious and resembles him a bit, as well.

I only said that at first because in my opinion, I thought the Green Goblin in Spider-man 1 felt too goofy in that movie, making the character himself pretty forced and ridiculous to begin with. But of course, I am sure people may not find nothing wrong with the Green Goblin at all.

Nah, I felt he was ridiculous there too. At least in The Spectacular Spider-Man they managed to combine the camp and the menace right with him.

Concidering how Qwark acts and moves, he is like the dumber version of….
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Jep, Avalon Centrifuge, the smart version of Qwark…. twice the ego

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I might be wrong about this but I've read an interview once about A Crack in Time in 2009 that one of Fixman's animated cartoons that were influenced in the Ratchet series was Darkwing Duck. Watching the first volume of the Darkwing Duck DVD and playing through some of the Ratchet games (especially A Crack in Time), I can see some similar comparisons between these two.

Megavolt and Dr.Nefarious seem to capture the same posture and goofy gestures in their animations. If you can find clips online to compare their style of animations, you can tell why I pick those two to compare with in the first place.

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Also, I've realized once looking through scenes of Ratchet teaming up with Qwark in A Crack in Time sort of reminds me of DW and Launchpad.

Captain Qwark is egoistic and dresses heroically like DW does, but features a muscular body type with a naive and bumbling personality just like Laucnhpad.

Ratchet is a pilot with a charming appeal just like Launchpad, but provides the same more bad a** heroic flare, less silly antics like DW.

DW and Launchpad
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Ratchet and Qwark
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I'm sure there's more Darkwing/Ratchet comparison that I haven't point out yet, but what I wrote there for now was quite enough for this post.