obvoious isnt it lol lawrence would never be dumb enough to actually employ himself with nefarious so he had to have been built by nefarious. and theres no way lawrence wouldnt try and leave unless he was forced to stay. i use the dreadlock collar as a comparison he isnt literally controlled by a dreadlock collar XD

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
obvoious isnt it lol lawrence would never be dumb enough to actually employ himself with nefarious so he had to have been built by nefarious. and theres no way lawrence wouldnt try and leave unless he was forced to stay. i use the dreadlock collar as a comparison he isnt literally controlled by a dreadlock collar XD
Nefarious couldn't have built him. Because in the comics Zogg had a butler just like Lawrence (but female) so I'd say they come off an assembly line, and are owned by a company that gives the robots to those that want 'em. (For a fair price o'course) Because of what Lawrence said, I'd say it's safe to say Lawrence likes being an evil sidekick (don't know why? Maybe he had a programming error) and left the company that owned the robots. He obviously found out about Nefarious, and though it could be fun.
We know he will stick at Nefarious' side in almost any scenario, like when Nefarious got busted by Qwark and then again by Ratchet, Lawrence repaired him. If Nefarious was holding Lawrence against his will then Lawrence would have made a run for it when Nefarious got busted. But then sometimes Lawrence isn't so loyal, and actually flees! "Is this important sir? It's almost time for my solo." "I think it's time to tender my resignation"
hmm never considered the times when nefarious was destoryed like in deja q. thx for that eye opener i agree with ratchet ruler's theory

Messages: 218
Iv'e never put that much thought as to how Lawrence came to be about and how he became Nefarious's butler. I like it when Lawrence makes fun of Nefarious sometimes and he doesn't notice.
"You put the wit in twit, sir."
"If anyone can beat a moron at his own game, it's you sir."
"Here on Earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart, for I have overcome the world" John 16:33

Messages: 20
Ah yes, good old memories.They were grat characters in this game. Of course, they are also great characters now, but UYA has my favourite scenes with this two (WHO'S BUTT IS THIS!?)
or (Dirty, laundry at whatnot) not to mentin galactic Idol from Metropolis
. I love the characters, but ideas for them are ending, so I personally hope, that we will have a long brak from them now, and then they maybe will return. WHo knows, maybe even in better style then in UYA?
Im just here to say that Lawrence is clearly not organic
If you look at his legs you can see the bolts and Joints for the knee, or that he has robotic hands, just like Nefarious and most of the robots.
There are things that make him look organic, like his suit. But its just a part of his torso.
In the first cutscene with lawrence in RaC 3 you can see how he gestures "organic" at the bottom right, so you can see that his face isnt made of metal.
I guess its just rubber or something, so he can also have better facial expressions