Thread: Ratchet & Clank: Comic (SPOILERS)

Interesting that this duo is back, and so are the Galactic Rangers! And Artemis is confirmed to not only be a male, but an angry bureaucrat too? Fascinating.

Deleted user

Yeah, I noticed it referred to him as a HE too, but it does seem Qwark has something to do with the whole mess… as always emoji

I SO WANT TO GET THE COMICS NOW! But how can I get them in NZ? I dont have a PSP emoji only a PS3….. well I dont really want to have to resort to seeing/stealing scans off the internets…..

but that interview sounds great too, it sounds like a lot of fan favourites will be in this! Hey Tara, maybe your beloved Ace will appear emoji lol jk sorry, I know you're not a rabid fangirl or anything, since you do actually have a boyfriend and sanity emoji but who knows? others might appear now too!

Deleted user

Tehe XD hey, I'm not a rabid fangirl! I'm not even sure if I'm considered a fangirl neither (probably)… but I am a big fan though, of course. And my BF is fine with it xD since I AM sane.

I recently joined Ebay, and I'm hoping it'll be easier for me to get them off there with Paypal. As long as they ship overseas….

Hey at least you have some sanity, unlike that torture guy lol emoji

I still hope I can get the Comic#s here somehow… I dont really wanna have to see scans online emoji that's stealing! And the comics dont cost that much!

Deleted user

I don't encourage people to scan it neither… which is why I'm hoping someone on will order several and then sell from from here. But I'll still be trying to order straight from the US.

uugh…. I cant stand that torture guy on! i forgot his username but I did hear that he used to be on this site but got banned. thank goodness for that!

but for the Comic series, I am so excited about its release but it looks like I'll have to get it on my PSP from the comics store emoji which sucks since I want the original comics! but they're only being sold in the US. the story is great so far and so is the art!

Deleted user

Please try to refrain from talking about him, thanks emoji he has nothing to do with this topic.

Anyway, it's only about a week until the first issue is released! I must say I am very hyped and can't wait for it to come emoji too bad I'll have to import it though, then wait another week or more before it comes in the mail…

Were entering into September, only a few more days till the first issue comes out. I better start save up money now. Can't wait to see what the other comics' cover (4-6) looks like.

Deleted user

I'm so excited emoji !!! Hmm I just wonder if I should risk spoiling myself when it comes out (Since I know just as soon as it comes out, some fans will have it already and be discussing it!) next week, or just wait until I get a copy of the comic myself emoji

Deleted user

Will be this comic available in Europe?

I can't find it in PS store for PSP emoji

Deleted user

It'll be there when it's released, Sony comfirmed this emoji you need to download the Comic reader for the PSP first (which is free) and then after that, you can buy the comics as they come out. (I have never used this before though, but that's what I was told)

Oh yeah, I downloaded the reader but it failed somehow and won't let me reinstall it, so comics are USELESS on my PSP anyway. I forgot until you mentioned that emoji