What are your favourite music tracks in Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters?
I haven't played this game at all, but hearing the soundtrack here on Ratchet-Galaxy made me want to do a topic about the soundtrack in this game. And besides… we need more topic threads in the Size Matters section.
Anyways, here are the tracks from Size Matters that I liked the most…
- Pokitaru - Jowai Resort
- Kalidon- Mechanoid Factory
- Outer Space - Giant Clank's Space Battle
- Outer Space - Outpost Ruins
- Dayni Moon - Farming Cooperative
- Dayni Moon - Gadgetbot Survival
- Dayni Moon - Inside Clank
- Quodrona - Clone Factory
- High Impact Games Treehouse
Yeah… my list isn't huge though, but at least there are some tracks that are worth listening to in Size Matters. :oui: