Thread: Cronk or Zephyr?

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Which old senile robot do you prefer? Cronk or Zephyr?

I think both characters are awesome through design and humour, but if I had to choose only one, I would go with Zephyr. I find him a bit funnier and more charming than Cronk to be honest. Also, I do find his design to be pretty awesome in general.

Cronk is still a great character and I find his humour funny too, but he can slightly annoy me once in a while, but not by a long shot.

Even though thoese two are a great funny duo when I was playing tools of destruction but to be honest I prefer Zephyr over Cronk why? because I find his design really neat (love the animalish like legs the most) not only that he's funnier and he knows how to use the computer without kicking it like cronk did before the final level don't get me wrong Cronk is a cool character with his humor and whatnot but I go with tipsy with this one.

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Hmm this is hard since I seem to like them both equally XD it is funny when Cronk says Craggymites too… but yeah, I may have to come back to that one emoji havent actually played Tools of Destruction in a while.

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Hmmm, well id had to go with Zephyr, there's something with his design and voice that love emoji

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zeohyr all the way! cronk is good, like, "NOOO! It's the zombie DEATH BEAM!!!"

but, zephyr's design is cooler, voice seems to suit him best, and the only thing is that my favorite color is blue…

but red suits zephyr better!

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You know, if most of us here seem to like Zephyr better than Cronk, then that means we are X-Box 360 players! emoji Oh No! emoji

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You know, if most of us here seem to like Zephyr better than Cronk, then that means we are X-Box 360 players! emoji Oh No! emoji

I get it emoji "Finally a chance to show my SUPERIOR ONLINE CAPABILITY." "Too bad your CPU has a 49 percent failure rate." Superior online capabilty, CPU 49 percent failure rate, that's the Xbox 360 alright emoji.

Deleted user

i choose them both because their both 50% funny and i like it when they argue

i choose them both because their both 50% funny and i like it when they argue

My thoughts exactly!

I preferred Zephyr, his design was brilliant and the voice is really appropriate. Cronk is great, but he's not quite so different looking, you know, he looks like the standard off the shelf humanoid robot.

But I don't think you could have one without the other. As a pair they really work as a comic duo. And they were quite good as fighting partners.

I can't choose just oneXO!
Both of them are totally funnyemoji!

I preferred Zephyr. He was funny, smart, and had a cool character. His role in A4O totally worked, and made the game 100% more AWESOME!

Deleted user

Yeah i think Zephyr was my favourite too emoji

Yeah i think Zephyr was my favourite too emoji

my favourite bot is zephyr too emoji

Zephyr was cooler in my opinion :oui:

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