Deleted user

I barely go on DA these days, but I'll share my account with you guys anyways.
I barely go on DA these days, but I'll share my account with you guys anyways.
Messages: 203
My DA:
also nice to see you aboard again Tara.
Ratchet and Clank: Lost in Reality, a Ratchet and Clank fanfiction by Jessica M.
Messages: 56
My art really isn't all that great yet, but i'll give a link anyway.
I actually joined yesterday to show my art
but anyway my acount is:
Guys! I finally got a DA! My name is TechnezthaTronBlue. I havent uploaded much yet…
and guys- do you have to do the print payment and do people have to by them? if so, i dont know abbout this… i dun wanna get involved with money through my art like this. :S
PLEASE TELL! how do i make it not for sale? i wont upload any more until i know. thanks guys!
Umm you don't have to use the print feature. That's only really for serious/talented artists who are able to make a buck off their artwork. So you don't need to worry about it
I joined up DA since the 14th of september last year just to get better, make friends and stuff. so heres my DA not much but i have been improving and getting help with some of the stuff i need to work on. and i'll galdly (if posiable) to have a tutor to help me draw more stuff. (PS. Tara Cross is it ok if i join your friend list.)
SPECIAL/ULTIMATE MOVE: Oblivian Blast,kamehameha overload, and a echo blaster
(ps picture is from thanks again)
Just updated the Deviant list gosh, a lot of us are members there
And well, I only add people to my Watch/Friends list there if I know them well, like their art a lot or if they're very nice people who always give me feedback (which I willingly return in favour) I never add people to my Dev-Watch for no reason, unlike many others there…
And when I comment, I give real comments (never any one word, or even one line comments) so I only reserve my watch for a select few who deserve it so… if you try, then I may give some feedback I do give critique too when people want it, and need it.
Umm you don't have to use the print feature. That's only really for serious/talented artists who are able to make a buck off their artwork. So you don't need to worry about it![]()
yeah but how do i remove the option for tehm to buy the print?
I havent ever used the feature before, but Im pretty sure all you have to do is go to your artwork, click on the 'Edit Deviation' button and then you should be able to remove the print option from there. And then save changes.
Messages: 171
Haven't been here in a while, whoah :P
Uhh… yeah, course I'm on there :P I'm a gallery moderator on deviantART, for the Flash and animation sections so if you have any Daily Deviation suggestions in those categories, just fire them my way
i tried going to the edit section… it wont work.
have you tried the FAQ on DA instead? try searching "Remove print" or something, it has to be in there (as I said, I've never used the prints feature before so I wouldnt know how to remove it)
Messages: 171
Kay, to remove prints, go here: (Make sure you are logged in, I think this works). Then, tick the boxes of the deviations you want removed as prints, then click deactivate prints.
if you want me to add your username to this list, just post a message on the thread!
I would like you to add me to the list.
My DA is LombaxFan