Glider was tricky but I've mastered it. Levitator is awesome. Glider is rly annoying on Dobbo and Levitator platinum bolt on smolg always seemed to have not enough fuel XD
the dumb levitator in SMOLG made me rage whenever I tried for the platinum bolt, but in angela's planet the shark jaws and falling stalactites with that biiiig turn got me annoyed. I would say glider because at least you dont run out of fuel. lol
I like hockey, video games, cats, and books. That makes me a boss right?
the dumb levitator in SMOLG made me rage whenever I tried for the platinum bolt, but in angela's planet the shark jaws and falling stalactites with that biiiig turn got me annoyed. I would say glider because at least you dont run out of fuel. lol
I like hockey, video games, cats, and books. That makes me a boss right?