Since there is no thread for posting and discussing any oddities of the game, I decided to create one as most fansites' forums have them.
Post any oddities you have discovered in the game, but try to have proof in form of a picture or a video, but they are only needed if you claim to have something completely different from others. Feel free to discuss of any of the posted oddities.
So, I'll start:
While I was playing through R&C again, I noticed that my copy of the game had a weird difference to all others I've seen, in Kalebo III, Gadgetron Site. The main tower of the facility normally has two rotating "GADGETRON" logos around it's dome, like the weapon vendors have one.
But, my copy hasn't. It has two rotating "GALACTRON" logos. At first, I thought I read it wrong, but then realised it really read Galactron.
While it should be like this:
Well, could this mean Gadgetron was originally meant to be called Galactron?
On a side note, I have the PAL Platinum (similar to Greatest Hits in US) version, coded SCES-50916/P. I just wonder why IG would've made a mistake of using old, unreleased content in a re-release version. It would be interesting if you bothered to check does your copy have Gadgetron or Galactron at the tower and tell which version do you have.

Messages: 11
i checked my copy of Ratchet & Clank wich is a greatest hits copy and it says Gadgetron. i do live in the US so maybe its just like that in your country i dont have a screen shot, sorry
a picture says a thousand words, but ones actions say a lot more
i checked my copy of Ratchet & Clank wich is a greatest hits copy and it says Gadgetron. i do live in the US so maybe its just like that in your country i dont have a screen shot, sorry
Well, it's either then in the European version or just a production batch which got the Galactron logo. Odd, since usually these appear in the original American versions due to them being the earliest to be released.

Messages: 11
Well, it's either then in the European version or just a production batch which got the Galactron logo. Odd, since usually these appear in the original American versions due to them being the earliest to be released.
or someone just wanted to try and do something weird and see if anyone noticed
a picture says a thousand words, but ones actions say a lot more
or someone just wanted to try and do something weird and see if anyone noticed
Well, when we are talking of IG, that wouldn't be a surprise - with all of their Dan Johnson cameos and teddy bears that is a possible reason. Only thing that bothers me is that even they wouldn't do it purposefully because it's the first game of the series.
But well, the most probable explanation in my opinion is that Gadgetron was the final name of the company and Galactron was the work-in progress name which somehow got into the PAL platinum version of mine.

Messages: 3875
PAL Platnum here too! Now I am in CM 20 on Veldin… Lemme see how long It takes to get too Kalebo III?
(my first ever speed run through a game )
EDIT: On my way to Kalebo III I just remembered a few things! But because I don't think much I forgot them again Except just now, I remembered that in the Gemlik Base the room you unlock with the Trespasser to kill the three turret Blargs I jumped out of the third window, I do this everytime, but is it a glitch? I mean you can go through the other way? Or do you think it is purposely done?

Messages: 947
Galactron? That's interesting. I'll have to check my copy to see if it says that.
I noticed an oddity of a sort, about which I wrote this.

Messages: 3875
Well, it is most certainly Galactron for us EU people It is most certainly a joke, because I'm sure the American one was out before the European one. I remember that the Hologuise Glitch was fixed… The fun I could've had
(though I do have an alternative way, but it is harder to do)

Messages: 85
This is very interesting :O I have PAL Platinum so I'll have to check mine in a few weeks [I'll need some time to get there…again XD] I wonder if it will show up on my version :S
Please check to see if you are still breathing…

Messages: 3875
This is very interesting :O I have PAL Platinum so I'll have to check mine in a few weeks [I'll need some time to get there…again XD] I wonder if it will show up on my version :S
I can garantee it will say Galactron. Plus it only takes a few hours (if in CM)

Messages: 11
wait. when you go into that circular building with the vendor in the middle, and take a right and go outside onto that little walkway, above the door that is on the opposite side of the walkway, there is a little thing that is like the sphere on top of the vendors. does that say Galactron too?
a picture says a thousand words, but ones actions say a lot more
wait. when you go into that circular building with the vendor in the middle, and take a right and go outside onto that little walkway, above the door that is on the opposite side of the walkway, there is a little thing that is like the sphere on top of the vendors. does that say Galactron too?
No, that says Gadgetron written with a blue font like the vendors. So is the case with the G-sphere near the ceiling inside that circular building with the vendor inside.

Messages: 326
Maybe it's because gagetron make other things too. you know gadgetron makes weapons and gadgets, but they make other things too! maybe the whole organization is called galactron!
it's just an idea
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!

Messages: 3875
I think that it's safe to say that Insomniac did it as a joke, maybe to counteract all the great things the PAL version has that the US version does not. Like a different soundtrack for the Drek Boss Fight, or the Hologuise glitch (which kinda sucks that it doesn't work in the PAL version)
i think that gadgetron was used to be called galactron, but then they changed it