Thread: ratchet's death

maybe that electricity volt passed through his whole body,and just seriously wounded him, cause it kinda crackled and fizzed on him, then he probably actually died from falling over the edge. When I got to that part, I seriously cried. xD

I am pretty sure it was because his armour was turned off.

Could be that.emoji

He probably died from a mix of his Armour being turned off and being close to the edge… even if he'd somehow recovered from the blast, the fall would have finished him off :/

As for the reaction I had when I saw that cutscene, I was like:
"….. emoji ", I was somewhat shocked, but the action moved on at a fast pace, and about 30 seconds later when the next cutscene started, I was feeling really sad for Clank becuase his friend had died and he felt as if he'd let down everyone he knew, not just Ratchet, but also Sigmund and Orvus, and that made me feel really sad! emoji

Deleted user

Yeah his armour was turned off,that's most likely why he died

waaaaa that was sooo sad. and yeah his armor was turned off.:snif emojiemoji

We could contact T.J Fixman on twitter, he wrote the story…

If you want, that would be cool emoji

Deleted user

Good idea henna,you should do that

I think that Ratchet passed out the fell over the edge, and that's what killed him.
But seriously, when he died I threw my controller away emoji(

I think that Ratchet passed out the fell over the edge, and that's what killed him.
But seriously, when he died I threw my controller away emoji(

I like to think the blast is what killed him and the fall was meant to make the scene more dramatic, which it did. And I liked it.