I think that Battle Royale will be AWESOME! C'mone, Ratchet and Sly are in it ^^
Both Ratchet and Sly were also in PlayStation Move Heroes, wich, well, wasn't my favourite game of all the time. In gameplays and trailers I saw ok graphics (Metropolis looked better in ToD), great combos and moves (All Ratchet's weapons I love are there ), great mixes of games (Patapons attacking Hades, Hydra atacking Metropolis, Buzz! in LBP and "Everybody's Sandover Golf" ) but everything is very chaotic and it's hard to follow the character, wich sometimes is almost invisible. And I forgot to mention LBP Karing!
I do own Heroes, but I don't have a Move yet so I never played. But for what I have seen so far, it looks like a reall cool game!
But right here, right now… I want Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time!