Messages: 22
Messages: 22
Messages: 3875
Still nothing. Just February or March.
Messages: 3875
I hate to double post, but look at this! http://weatherl.blogspot.co.nz/p/ratchet-and-clank-deadlocked.html
Not that exciting really, but it's something for those of you that have been waiting for something. It's the XMB picture and a few trophies. I must say, it does look pretty nice.
When I started playing the Ratchet and Clank collection, they were fun to play as much as the future trilogy. I want to see how good Deadlock is.
Deadlocked will be good on PS3 I think looking forward to it
Messages: 3875
When I started playing the Ratchet and Clank collection, they were fun to play as much as the future trilogy. I want to see how good Deadlock is.
Deadlocked is fun, but kind of different. You must remember that in this particular game they took away the smooth camera and most of the platforming to make it more of a third person shooter. There are some fun challenges, but it does feel very different to the usual Ratchet games.
It's funny we don't know anything about when it's coming out, and Insomniac don't know anything either, all we know is it's coming. At first I think JS guessed it would be in around late December, but that was just a guess… shows how well informed Insomniac is, really Sony need to learn to communicate better.
This December or last December?
Messages: 3875
They guessed it would be December 2012, so it shows that obviously they are not being kept very well informed.
I feel as if Insomniac are getting lazy.In my opinion the games aren't as good quality as they used to be.
Messages: 3875
What does that have to do with Insomniac not knowing when Deadlocked HD is coming out? They don't have anything to do with it, and SONY are making sure they don't. I don't think they are being lazy. They made some awesome Ratchet & Clank experiences recently that are by no means lazy, I mean was QFB a product of a lazy developer? No, because they released it so that we, the fans wouldn't get really bored waiting for ACiT. FFA is just a little filler for the 10th anniversary, and a big filler too! I mean it supported a new multiplayer, it's getting free maps and paid skins and it has a funny story from what I hear.
In every Insomniac game I play I can see a tremendous amount of work put into them. I mean Resistance might not be your thing, but Resistance 3 was astounding. And Fuse looks nice too. And they are also supporting Outernauts.
If there was one game developer that I admired the most it would be Insomniac games, because over the years they have made their games more stunning and unique with each release. Many wouldn't agree because of A4O or FFA, but just play through again looking at the environments. They truly are awesome! And with FFAs camera and controls combined with A4O's style (I know everyone hates the characters, but they'll just have to let it go, that one's getting old) I think that in the future they could make some really good games.
But no matter how creative the people are at Insomniac, making games requires money and permission from SONY in Ratchet & Clank's case. Sadly at this rate Ratchet & Clank is in a very bad way. If you look at it from Sony's point of view: A4O did horribly, the fans are asking for a new game just like ACiT or R&C3 but they also want to see innovation in the series, so clearly making a game for the fans is easier said than done. Then Insomniac decide to make up for A4O's terrible reviews and sales (I don't actually know about the sales, but some fans burnt their copy so that no one else could ever play it, and told the whole world this with pride) with a new minigame, like how QFB was rolling in the cash! Except this time there would be the multiplayer everyone wanted, and supported DLC. What could possibly go wrong? It was too innovative. Everyone was complaining about the tower-defense elements. Reviews sucked and heaps of fans are pissed off, and have 'given up on Insomniac'.
Well that seems like a sad way to end it all, but I don't think Sony would be very happy to support another Ratchet & Clank. The series is in a bad way, and we all know Sony don't have heats, they won't make another Ratchet & Clank game for the fans, they want to make it for the money, and if they aren't making money then the would be better off not happening.
Mindlessly supporting the games would allow for future Ratchet & Clank games, but that would never happen, so my dreams for another adventure in the series may not end up coming true
Wait did you just say there might not be another Ratchet and Clank series 0_0?
Messages: 3875
It's entirely possible. Games can't fall forever, sooner or later they hit the ground. And I think that thought there are heaps of us that still love the series, the people that hate it are just too darn loud. The only way we can support the series is with our wallets, that's really all Sony care about.
I'm looking forward to it.
Had a blast playing Up Your Arsenal and from what I hear, this is the sequel. But, from what I've played of the third game, it looks like no innovation could be made. Oh well, I'll probably jump into it when I get my hands on the original game and Going Commando.
Messages: 3875
Deadlocked is very different to UYA. Ratchet & Clank 2 is a lot more like UYA than Deadlocked
Ratchet Deadlocked has a really dark feel to it, and is more of a shooter type of game. Playing it for long might feel a bit boring with time, because the levels are all the same gloomy style, but it definitly is a great game if youre in the mood to blow Sh*t up in a badass way