Thread: The quote game

Hard to forget his voiceemoji

Union rules, you know.

The quote game still runs, with "non-neffy" quote finally.


Still thinking, doesn't ring a bell yet… (oh hey, 1000 posts xD)


Still thinking, doesn't ring a bell yet… (oh hey, 1000 posts xD)

Congratulations! I have 156 posts emoji A long way to go!

Union rules, you know.

Dr. Nefariou- oh wait…

The Lazy Hoolefoid who won't turn the bolt crank.

He wasn't lazy, just had a break. Union rules, you understand… You're right of course emoji

He wasn't lazy, just had a break. Union rules, you understand… You're right of course emoji

Oh right! I read it wrong, I thought it said 'onion' emoji

Witing for Ratchetruler's quote…

Ratchetruler, we're waiting for your quote.


Stop worrying, the game'll be fine. Just add a rule that the winner needs to respond whitin 24 hours or someone else gets to put a new quote up.emoji

It's pretty unfortunate that Ratchetruler answers quotes when he doesn't have the time to post a new one afterwards emoji

It just jams the game.. but on the other hand, Ratchetruler does know many quotes, and we would probably still be stuck somewhere without him emoji

but on the other hand, Ratchetruler does know many quotes, and we would probably still be stuck somewhere without him emoji

emoji Haha, that's true!

oh, crud. I forgot. Here is a quote

"If Ratchet was a tough cookie, what kind of cookie would he be?"

Maybe if the replier knows he is right he sould post the next quote in the same go?