Just to give you guys an idea what FACTS is, here some pictures
Building up:
Movie Cars:
Going to FACTS in one hour, see you guys later!

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
I'm stuck at home because of a massive storm. The largest in 25 years in Holland. A tree just fell over and took the rabbit-house with it. Luckely there's someone at home with me and we could safe them before they ran away in the wild. Ultra dangerous because of the branches that look like they can fall any minute.
Anyone else in the middle of it?
I'm stuck at home because of a massive storm. The largest in 25 years in Holland. A tree just fell over and took the rabbit-house with it. Luckely there's someone at home with me and we could safe them before they ran away in the wild. Ultra dangerous because of the branches that look like they can fall any minute.
Anyone else in the middle of it?
Yup, I am, but it isn't that bad… Just our little tree is gone and some flowers… And our wood is everywhere
You are lucky that you don't have to go to school! But i have vacation

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
I need to travel 1,5 hours to my destination by bus. Me and my mother decided that it would be save to cross the 30 min. dike between two provinces. Accidents happen there very easily. Its very vulnarable for the wind and especially with a bus. And it alines a sea and a big lake so the wind is even stronger there. I heard something about 120 km/h.
And gawd-dang am I glad I'm here, because I couldn't have gone back. No more busses ride from my school back to my house!
I need to travel 1,5 hours to my destination by bus. Me and my mother decided that it would be save to cross the 30 min. dike between two provinces. Accidents happen there very easily. Its very vulnarable for the wind and especially with a bus. And it alines a sea and a big lake so the wind is even stronger there. I heard something about 120 km/h.
And gawd-dang am I glad I'm here, because I couldn't have gone back. No more busses ride from my school back to my house!
Haha, you lucky

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
Very, cause I now I heard the dike is closed too. A friend of mine is stuck at school, she's my insder now
Also, my old schoolbuilding might collapse. Glad I don't go there anymore. However at the place I work now a few of my friends were injured when they were blown away by the wind.
Very, cause I now I heard the dike is closed too. A friend of mine is stuck at school, she's my insder now
Also, my old schoolbuilding might collapse. Glad I don't go there anymore. However at the place I work now a few of my friends were injured when they were blown away by the wind.![]()
Omg, it's really havy out there! Laten we gewoon NL pratne, er is toch niemand anders online

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
Ik doe wel 2 versies. Maar het is hier idd heel erg. Het is nu al wat stiller, maar de Afsluitdijk is nogsteeds afgesloten en bussen en treinen rijden allemaal niet meer.
It pretty bad indeed. Its quiet for now, but the dike is still out. Trafic is still stuck.
Trees everywhere btw.
Ik doe wel 2 versies. Maar het is hier idd heel erg. Het is nu al wat stiller, maar de Afsluitdijk is nogsteeds afgesloten en bussen en treinen rijden allemaal niet meer.
It pretty bad indeed. Its quiet for now, but the dike is still out. Trafic is still stuck.
Trees everywhere btw.![]()
Omg, dat is wel erg! (Doe maar gewoon in het Engels hoor
Omg, that is bad!

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
Tja, ik weet niet of iemand het nog wil nalezen, vandaar.
Neighbours just came outside with axes and stuff and are dragging all the trees of the road. I think I'm gonna get my bike and see what else was destroyed during the storm.
Tja, ik weet niet of iemand het nog wil nalezen, vandaar.
Neighbours just came outside with axes and stuff and are dragging all the trees of the road. I think I'm gonna get my bike and see what else was destroyed during the storm.
Hehe, you guys are checking the damage, and i'm trying to do an interview with James Arnold Taylor

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
Just went through my neighbourhood on my bike. These is some of the damage:
Just went through my neighbourhood on my bike. These is some of the damage:![]()
Holy f*ck! That's very bad
I see I missed some weather news