We don't know I'm just doing my own versions of them but you should try too.
Oh, and one final question, is it ok if i send you the sentences in one file or should i send you each one seperatly? And is MP3 or WAV good?
Send them in one file if you can. MP3 and WAV are good - I always save my sound as WAV in this project after all. BTW, if you're not really stunning as Vorn, don't mind him. I've already recorded his all lines and mixed them - changing his voice would be pretty uncomfortable for me really, seeing as I also added a radio effect to him and the music.

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
we know what Vorn sounds like from A4O
Well, I don't really count that, he was on a radio for a few seconds, so Insomniacs weren't looking for a full-time normal Vorn's voice. Besides, I don't really like it…

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
hahaha, yea it was rety bad
Gonna send them when they are ready. I still don't have the Qwark lines from aster and I don't know how's Filipuntik doing. I think I'll make myself a temporary Artemis and Vorn if no one shows up (aster, you can try yourself at their roles and if you think it's good, send the files to me).
Okay i sent the files to you via WeTransfer, tell me if it worked.
It is a WAV file with every quote in one.
Thanks! I'm working on it as we speak. You did pretty well
Soo, when do you think you could finish?
I think I'll need another week. Right now I'm at the moment when Veldin is moved (your part is already in), but due to a busy school week, I need to start studying. I'll finish it as soon as possible thought.
I think I'll need another week. Right now I'm at the moment when Veldin is moved (your part is already in), but due to a busy school week, I need to start studying. I'll finish it as soon as possible thought.
No problem!
Filipuntik, are you still in it. You were supposed to do a small fat guy but I haven't heard how you're doing with that for a while. Are you still willing to do that voice? By the way, people, you can still be Artemis Zogg and a tall burger guy
@kubak12, when do you think you can send the files to me?
As I said when they are ready. And I don't have time to complete them right now.