Thread: Uncharted 4

They just released a teaser, the first thing to even come out about Uncharted 4. So no, there won't be a demo for quite some timeemoji

They just released a teaser, the first thing to even come out about Uncharted 4. So no, there won't be a demo for quite some timeemoji

Well doesn't that suck a bit, I loved Uncharted 3 so much that after I sold it to get Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time, I installed Uncharted 3 Multiplayer: Free to Play from the PlayStation(R) Store.
Uncharted 3 was really good, I hope that Uncharted 4 will be the same… But for me it will never be able to replace Ratchet and Clank.

I think its ga-reat that it will take some time before its here. I'm getting a job again next year to get a PS4, but thats months away. I would really like to play this Uncharted when its released!

My only hope right now is that they keep the MP as it is. They can add a few game modes as long as they don't get rid of old ones. Although a more explicit way of how to get treasure sets would be nice.
I've got no say on the Campaign yet though.

I never got to try the Uncharted multiplayer… despite me having a moderately good internet connection, attempting to get Uncharted to connect to servers just doesn't seem to work for me… It comes up with a sort of progress bar, which gets stuck at about 20% and just sits there for ages…
Anyway, despite that I never finished U3 (billions upon billions of spiders are scary!.. plus I got lost in some confusing level design), I'm interested to see what Naughty Dog have lined up for a continuation of the series….

I never got to try the Uncharted multiplayer… despite me having a moderately good internet connection, attempting to get Uncharted to connect to servers just doesn't seem to work for me… It comes up with a sort of progress bar, which gets stuck at about 20% and just sits there for ages…

I feel your pain, it takes about 15 minutes during you first time, go watch some Justice League, when you get back it should be ready.

I never played online either. Though I would like to do it once since its the only way to play as Elenaemoji

I never played online either. Though I would like to do it once since its the only way to play as Elenaemoji

Uncharted 2 has unlockable skins in the Bonus menu.

I forgot all about those (just like TLoU). There's an Elena one?

There is one for everyone. Yea Elena has a skin in Uncharted 1 and 2.

But Uncharted 3 doesn't have skins, and it always really bugged me!

There is one for everyone. Yea Elena has a skin in Uncharted 1 and 2.

But Uncharted 3 doesn't have skins, and it always really bugged me!

I disliked that too :/
Getting Platinum is not worth it anymore.

The guy in the trailer says that he's been buried for 15 years.
The last Crash Bandicoot game by Naughty Dog turns 15 next year.

Did I blow your minds?

Actually yes. Maybe you have to find Neo Cortex. emoji

There needs to be some Crash Bandicoot Treasures as well as the usual Precursor Orbs

There needs to be some Crash Bandicoot Treasures as well as the usual Precursor Orbs

Wasn't the fruit Drake ate in Cartagena a Wumpa fruit?