Thread: Really Random thread

Guess they took lessons from Ratchet 3.

Is anyone here sad ScottishDuck17 isn't uploading anymore?

Is anyone here sad ScottishDuck17 isn't uploading anymore?

I was just thinking the excact same thing

I don't recall the name.

I don't recall the name.

He was a Let's Player that would normally do obscure games like, well, Ratchet and Clank.

He was my first exposure to Let's Plays actually.
I think I discovered him in the middle of his Ty the Tasmanian Devil Let's Play and just watched him every day, it even became a routine of mine to come home after school and watch a new video and it would always brighten up my day to see his video, or hell, sometimes just seeing what his next Let's Play was would brighten up my day.
And if it wasn't for him, I don't think I could've discovered some of the great games that would greatly affect how I view video games, so he has my eternal thanks for that.

I kinda looked up to him. I watched his videos and thought to myself that maybe when I was old enough, I could make Let's Plays. Of course we all know where that went, but he still gave me something to look forward to.

It's just kinda sad seeing such a big part of my childhood gone like that…

How many years ago are we talking about?

How many years ago are we talking about?


The guy I watched the complete Jak II walkthrough from emoji
Oh, the water slum fight.. took him 3 episodes emoji

Jak 3 was priceless too, especially the vehicle missions.

I watched his all his Ratchet and Clank Let's Plays on the PS2 and they were hilarious xD

I'm going to rid this world of all organic life forms and rebuild it piece by robotic piece.

Sound familiar?

Isn't that what Eggman has been attempting to do all the time anyway? They just borrowed "organic life forms" term.

Making FFA was one of IG's most inconsiderate decision - after poor reception of A4O they decide to release yet another experiment - but this time short, rushed and half unnecesarry (campaing).

I'm going to rid this world of all organic life forms and rebuild it piece by robotic piece.

Sound familiar?

Isn't that what Eggman has been attempting to do all the time anyway? They just borrowed "organic life forms" term.

Not really, Eggman simply wanted to get the Chaos Emeralds to rule the world.
He just used small animals to power up his robots.

I'm pretty sure there's other games/movies with the same concept, but I can't think of any now…

Swift, there can be only one… NYAN CAT!
(You don't play ShootMania, do you?)

So here I am watching a random Sonic stream and…

People think Nefarious is pretty good, but I'm playing A Crack in Time, sitting there and thinking "How can people like this guy?"

Ha! I'm not alone!