Thread: Really Random thread

Yeah? I'm gonna keep Windows 7. You never know what games and other software Windows 10 might screw up. I sa2w them promotion AR as VR. But AR or VR, it's going to far. Reminds me of Wall-E where are the people spend their time in a chair in front of a screen. Humanity doesn't need to go there…

I'm not alone! I'm also gonna keep Windows 7. I think it's the best OS I've ever used. For me, Windows 8 doesn't fit in a PC, it fits better in tablets and smartphones.

I like the interface better too. Both in it's uses and design. I don't understand why they even made/make 8 and 10.

8 is actually good for mobile devices. My phone is running Windows 8.1, and it's just going good and smooth.

My phone has an outdated Andriod version and my iPad has an outdated iOS version. As you can tell, I couldn't care less.emoji

Well once I've found out more (doesn't take a very informed person to know how well Windows 8 didn't do at launch) I will get Windows 10. I mean sticking with past operating systems isn't a good idea to me, as I know people will always want to move forward in the IT industry, and as fast as they can. So upgrading to Windows 10 will likely allow me to take advantage of future features and perform tasks m=faster, as they continue to update and refine their systems more and more.

Exactly what tasks are made easier with Windows 8?

I'm still getting used to it, but I've been actually embracing the start menu with my commonly used applications and games.

I segmented my start menu into 4 categories:

Commonly used stuff - Skype, Chrome, Email, Calendar, Desktop, Weather etc.
Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access
Programming - Game Maker, Unity, Dev-C++, Visual Studio
Games - Games

I have only temporary files of the week on my desktop which are ever-changing/deleting/being created. Mostly Word Documents.
The start-up and shut-down times are a fair bit lower
The unified MS account is quite useful, as I can just sign in with a biometric scanner and access all the stuff linked to the account.

BUT! This is Windows 8.1 not Windows 8. I hear Windows 8 is worse. And although everything is usually a fair bit faster or cleaner than before, it does require an open mind to adapt.

I just throw everything I regularly use in here:
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Never put anything on my desktop. I've got various folders within folders within folders. It works for me. emoji

Do you happen to know the differences between 8 and 8.1?

No I don't. I never got to use 8. But I hear they fixed a lot of problems.

The issue I have with the taskbar is that I can't fit my most commonly used programs all on there along with other not-so-common-but-still-pretty-important programs and games. So of course I could have an array of folders within folders, but they take too long to organise and sift through, so now I just store everything in a few folders in My Documents, and access them all through the program they are edited/viewed/run in.

Namco and Project Aces are getting really serious with Infinity…
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No I don't. I never got to use 8. But I hear they fixed a lot of problems.

The issue I have with the taskbar is that I can't fit my most commonly used programs all on there along with other not-so-common-but-still-pretty-important programs and games. So of course I could have an array of folders within folders, but they take too long to organise and sift through, so now I just store everything in a few folders in My Documents, and access them all through the program they are edited/viewed/run in.

Okay. Then I'll Google around. I'm kinda cursious what some people hate about 8 so much. I prefer Windows 7 because it's compatible with all my games. Even my old ones like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. And I prefer the interface.

So, anyone else desire a game set during the Great War?

Nope. No more Lombax discussions–they hurt my brain! Besides wanting something too badly can turn you into someone you're not. emoji

Nope. No more Lombax discussions–they hurt my brain! Besides wanting something too badly can turn you into someone you're not. emoji

Argh! Don't you dare citing Ratchet from ItN when I'm around!