Thread: Really Random thread

6'2 ish here. Haven't measured myself in a while! emoji

I'm like 1.68 or 1.75 m. Still taller than Ratchet, that's for sure.

Yeah sorry I don't know mine in metric. emoji

Even though I'm in Canada…

We have a big community meeting here in France at Paris Games Week, the last week-end of this month, and we certainly hope the game will be playable… Can't wait !

If it is, can you guys try to explore everything? Although I'm not sure there is much more than what I've found at gamestop…

Also, look Heather!

Hey thanks, hadn't seem thatemoji

Gerben just linked me they used my picture with the two cosplays on the Ratchet Galaxy Facebook page. I'm a celeb now!

So many tall people over here… Am I the only hobbit? I'm only 1,56m, so about 5 feet…

Still taller than Ratchet, that's for sure.

Yeah, if we take the "six deadly inches of crystal blue water" that go up to his waist into account, Ratchet is actually really tiny… 30 cm…

I read the more north of Europe you go, the taller the people get. Mainly Sweden, Norway, etc.

Alright let's do that over. I was a little bit too over excited in my last post. So, from the top:

Some of you knowI'm working on Deliver Us the Moon, yes? I was representing the game at FirstLook last weekend! FirstLook is a small scale Gamescom in The Netherlands. We were at Gamescom too, but I was on vacation during that time so I had to ask for a raincheck.

Funfact, FirstLook doesn't release all the games featured at the con, you kinda find out as you go. There was a huge line at the entrance. VIPs get in on 09:00, Early Acces at 10:00 and the little people at 11:00. But, I was Exhibitor! I got in at 08:00. So when there is absolutely nobody. I got to cut the line at entrance and go in throught the crew entrance. I felt as though I was in a black silk dress walking the red carpet with my middle fingers in the air when I walked past all the VIPs waiting in line! It was… an amazinh feeling.

Anyway, as my boss led me to our booth we walked past a bus. And not just any bus, this bus!

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He was talking to me, and his voice slowly faded out (you know, like in the movies) and all I was aware of, was that bus. And I knew, I was going to be in that thing today! Then we walked past the Xbox One booth and I saw the various demo pods with Rise of the Tomb Raider. Xbox was right next to our booth, so when I got dressed and we were all set… I took my other female co-worker by the hand and said: ‘’Jenny. You’re good with people. Shall we ask those nice gentlemen if we can play Tomb Raider before it opens up here?’’. And then we got to play Tomb Raider! Normally you need to stand in line for 1.5 hours and then you can only play for 6 minutes. I, on the other hand, had all the time in the universe. Played at my own pace and got to see the whole demo. And then I rushed back to our booth.

After a while I saw people walking around with Game Mania bags and I realized that Game Mania were the people with the Ratchet people. Postewrs!!! They has powsterz! ‘’Guys, I’m gonna go find the ladies room. I’ll be right back’’. So then I stood in line for the goodie bag, with R&C poster like I thought! It’s huge, I had to rearange my entire wall!

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After a while my boss said: ‘’Hey, why don’t you go play a few games. We’ll be fine’’. It was still the early access hour. So me and Jenny went to the R&C bus. And then we found this awesome cosplayer! An actual Ratchet and a Ratchet if he were Xena, the Warrior Princess! And yes, that’s me. And no, I don’t know how to pose for photos.

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And then, I got to play the game! The bus is converted into a gamer heaven. Last year they had Sunset Overdrive and I had been standing for hours. So it was fantastic to
sit down! Unfortunately there were 2 versions: English and Dutch. Yes, I could have changed the language, but I didn’t want to waste my time on that. I was much easier to rip the heasphones on my face and listen to the waaay too loud music coming from the con itself.

First of all, the graphics are jaw dropping. It’s obvious, but I’m pointing in out anyway. The weapons.. they all super usefull! I didn’t find a weapon that made me thing: ‘’Hmm, I’ll use this when I’m out of ammo’’. The circlebutton is for shooting, yes. But R2 is also the shoot button. I hope that I can swap L1 for R1 and vice versa though. Some games let you do that, some don’t. But I prefer R1 and R2 for shooting. L2 and R2 are for holding down, not clicking imo.

I had a couple of laughs to, I was smiling the whole time. This game is definitely the game we’ve been waiting for since ACiT. A true R&C game and finally of full length again! It took a few years, but it’s here!

So I finished the Metropolis (I know, but I don’t care) demo rather quickly. So I had time for the boss. He didn’t really have a pattern or anything. I almost had him killed with just straving-shooting-jumping when the ladie called the time.

So the demo.. yeah. It ws pretty freaking amazing. I’ve lost all the patience I had for this game. I need it. And. I. Need. It. Now!

Oh, I believe you said that Ratchet in the Dutch version is Ratjet. Am I right?

Funny that you mention that. Actually, in Dutch dubs terms aren't translated and pronounced in English. So you get weird sh** like:

*English* ''Nefarious'' *English*. *flat Dutch* blijf van die klok af *flat Dutch*

Sorry, I can't find the video I heard that anymore. emoji

Awesome ! I can imagine how happy and excited you were emoji

The Ratchet cosplayer you met, did he tell you he was actually from the french part of Ratchet Galaxy's community ? His ID is Adem Osphar emoji

We have a big community meeting here in France at Paris Games Week, the last week-end of this month, and we certainly hope the game will be playable… Can't wait !

(Why did I miss half the posts here?)

Really? Then I'm glad I didn't mention how muscular his chest was, and thought it similar to Ratchet's. Whoops. Anyway, great guy. Waved at him from the booth a couple of times. I wanted to walk up to him and ask if he wanted to play our demo, but our screens were all taken.

(Why did I miss half the posts here?)

Hint, don't look at the "my backup plan" thread unless you want spoilers about Ratchet's <redacted>

Hmm.. What is going on in that thread?emoji

Deleted user

We have discovered something deep. Something that I almost regret creating the thread for but don't because it adds some excitement to my life.

Hmm.. What is going on in that thread?emoji

It's… interesting. emoji

What's another great thing about Texas? Monarch migration!

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Deleted user
What's another great thing about Texas? Monarch migration!

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Does it happen around now?

Yep! We had like 15-30 monarchs at once in our garden, and that's just them–there were other butterflies too!

Sorry, I just lost my manhood, but I love butterflies a lot emoji