Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have sent a message about this so hopefully it will be fixed soon.
BTW, these things should probably be posted in the Ideas, Bugs, and Development section, and if there's no reply from a mod/admin in the next few days, just send a message to RatchetBlaster or Ratchetlombax. They should reply fairly quick and get it sorted.
Thank you for explaining! If I find something else I'll make sure to report it this way.
The Japanese dub is the worst so far in the whole Ratchet & Clank series, in my opinion. I think the only non-english dub I could enjoy would be German and Polish (but by Kubak12 and his gang of fandubbers). But in war games like Ace Combat, World of Tanks, and World of Warships, the Japanese VAs are actually good and have real male voice.
Oh, German dub? Hm, maybe I need to check this out. Could be useful when I come back to trying to learn German :3
Ikr? I can't even find any single OK reason why would they just downgrade characters by giving them such voiceovers. Especially when, as mentioned, Clank's VA has some serious roles which require him to make such an amazing male voice 
Don't even know what stopped them when it came to dub of the PS4 version though. I considered buying it from Surugaya 'cause they had special edition there but then watched the trailer and was like… "Oh no thanks I'll pass".