Thread: Online Commuinity for Ratchet and Clank 3

Online Commuinity for Ratchet and Clank 3 - English Version

-Just wanted to re post and translate this French Forum Thread for the English Community of RG to read

[Last updated: 05:25 AM August 11, 2014]

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Here and Welcome on the Official Topic Community Online Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal. This one is dedicated to meet the planning and organization of the various games and tournaments on PlayStation 3 (after closing the PlayStation 2 servers in 2012). Here you can join and participate in these, organized by one of the members of the community. To give you an accurate preview of what we regularly, we mostly friendly although some playoff games tournaments (during periods of Summer and Winter in particular) are implemented and perform occasionally. However, you are not obliged to discuss the maintenance of a match on this topic, of course, you can also enjoy life together by sharing your personal tastes of all kinds.

To join this community, it's not really complicated, each can be entered without any problems. Give us with your request and within a few days your username will appear in the list of members below.

About the acquisition of the game, you can easily buy it on websites such as Amazon or Priceminister. In addition, it is also very easily purchasable in dematerialized PlayStation Store release. You can also get you the game easily if a kind soul is willing to lend you their account to download from it. However, if you own the game of illegal or illegally (or that we learn from ourselves), we will be forced to opt out immediately.

On this page of presentation, we will introduce you to give you water at the mouth of our games Screenshots, Videos / Replays of our games, the list of members (if you want to contact a member) and a possible honor Roll (still not upgraded yet).

Good discussing all!


Some little information to know!

One of the directors of this community, named Taker was closely involved (thanks to its advanced level) either in writing or in the completion of his videos (visit his Youtube channel where many videos are posted above) in the online mode. Speaking of writing, he creates a fabulous Practical Guide, enabling anyone to learn the basics and even some tactics used regularly by players ahead if you want to see further levels. If you want to measure us, I suggest you already introduce you to read it if you do not want to die too quickly! Youtube channel member has enough Omega Lombax recently released our last fun part. I suggest you go check it out if you want to view one of our recent matches (in the video adds a nice touch of humor elsewhere)

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List of NEWS!

NEW : Hallway's Nodes

Date:: 14h30 to 17h.

Hello to all members of the community, here's a moment that the community will be a topic for a few months rather set aside by everyone because of an activity that prevails is quite low. To make up for this lack, we propose a new type of very different than the other three common game as we know them. Although this type of game is played in the CBC mode, it is not at all the same objective that we must do to win the game. Indeed, the new innovated and named "Hallway's Nodes" mode takes place according to certain rules to follow. Most regularly playing online mode had also certainly have had difficulties about understanding the rules.

That is what it will be about the rules of the game:
First, the host of the game will look to choose the map being at Hoven, the Bomb Factory formerly owned Blargs and frozen wasteland of Solana.
The three main weapons like we know them (remember, this is the Gravitational Bomb, Gun and Rifle Bombardeur-Flow) will be beautiful and well represented with infinite ammo. However, as the mode name of the game suggests, control nodes will also be activated.
The objective is primarily to fight, between players or between teams in a given around the capture of the central node of the map time.
The roles of "Protectors / Defenders" and one who will capture the node will be highlighted.
Although it takes place in a CTF, no one is designed to capture the enemy flag for, so you can already forget the basic mode of the game. Winning team or the winning player will be the one who manages to capture the node at the last second, or has captured most of the time node.

If you want to join us in this match who will advise to be very nice, thank you in advance for contacting us as soon as possible before the date given and final.

Based on an idea by concotée Zaim1630

- ZAXEL26 (host)
- Eison1277
- Ratchetteraflux
- Cleon62
- Taker
- Marvin3099
- SerpaCooper
- Xlight111x (tbc)

NEW : Creation of Quiz

As its name suggests, I am committed to creating a new entertainment that could casually, well you please: p). I know you can not at any time have your PlayStation 3 available and play the game whenever you want; then why not enjoy and still follow the daily life of the community (as a whole) simply by participating in a jolly Quiz. First, I announce that I am (for now) the author of the Quiz and concern community activity both on the site and on the game itself. I created a website from where you can Quizity if you are enrolled monitor account activity and Quiz realized. I think to create one every month with an average of 15 questions per Quiz Nevertheless, they may be more or less difficult because the latter will involve a broad topic on the online game. You can (if you wish) before starting it, reread some pages of topic and those of others which are on the list of R & C3 forums. Although some questions will relate to members / players of a community do not belong to RG, me and Taker have left there enough detail on them to answer it with a little knowledge, no real difficulties.

+ For more important information, here these basic project launch:
> You will have 120 seconds to answer 15 questions.
> Only one answer is possible among the three proposed.
> The themes are mostly the Online Community R & C3 Ratchet Galaxy and UYA Reborn as well as some details of the constitution of online, on the techniques used by the players as well.
> You can leave a comment at the bottom of the Quiz if you are interested, it is always really fun.
> If you like the idea, nothing prevents you to ask me permission to create and publish your own.
> If you like the idea actually, something tells me that it may well be that there is one in the form of a competition this summeremoji.
> You can see your results by placing them directly on the topic, or by taking a screen capture.

Start the first >> << Quiz

NEW : Summer Tournament 2014


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Each day, a new way to die! (quote from Ratchet)

Hello one and all (or good evening to those of you who would read this message later in the day) and welcome to the official page of the new Tournament Summer 2014 R & C3. Like every year, we hold an annual tournament to entertain us on this game is too long put aside. We plan to schedule it during a Weekend instead of organizing over several weeks to avoid problems that may be more or less in number compared to the availability of each. If miraculously we find that the number of participants is too high compared to what was expected, it would probably hold on 2 Weekends. Meanwhile, I'll meet you at interim dates are Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July 13 to participate in the new tournament. As well tell you right now, there will be 6 games in this tournament in order to play on different maps / planets and it will be mainly composed of CLD / CTF (Capture the Flag). After the final, it is possible that we can organize a fun party in a Deathmatch (Deathmatch) to end the tournament.

Important Information!
> Dates: Weekend of July 12 to 13
> Hours: Not precisely defined.
> Registration Period: From June 20 to July 11

> Conditions of Entry:
> Owning a PlayStation 3 set to be filled play games, and so on online gambling (nothing easier nowadays).
> Your entries are only here and nowhere else.
> Specify the possession of a microphone and give your PSN ID if it's still not done. (Both elements will be next to the username of each participant).
> If you need help or know some information, do not hesitate to contact me via private message. I am at your disposal in this regard.
> If you cancel your registration, thank you to inform us at the earliest.
> The end date for entries is Friday, July 11 in the morning.

> Rules of the Tournament:
> For those of you who possess microphones, please do not insult the people to remain still a respectful minimum.
> Using a glitch or a cheat is not tolerated but more will result in immediate disqualification of the team.
> The movement called "Lag Jump" is allowed. However, rest assured that those who will practice it does not abuse either!

> Organisation of the teams:
> The number of teams will depend on the number of participants.
> Participants will then be randomly selected to be divided into teams.
> There will be mandatory 4 players per team.
> Anglophone members of Ratchet Galaxy will be informed of the progress of the tournament.
> Winners of the tournament will therefore be 4 players of the winning team.

> Customize General parts:
> Name of the parties: [ST] Tournament
> Fashion: CLD / CTF
> Players Allowed Out of Lines: 2
> Stopwatch: 25 minutes
> Password: Ratchet Galaxy
> Weapons: Rifle-Flux; Bomb Gravitational; Gun Bombardeur
> Vehicles: Possibly allowed for deathmatch
> Nodes: No
> Player names: Yes
> Defense Base: Yes
> Unlimited Ammo: Yes
> Resurrecting with weapons: Yes
> Fashion Super Boot: Yes
> Fashion CLD / CTF: Chaos
> Screenshot of flags: No limit

> List of Participants (in alphabetical order) [This list will be updated regularly until July 11]:
> BlueLombaX (ID: BlueLombaX)
> Cleon62 (ID: cleon62) User Image
> Juliennato (ID: juliennato)
> Kubak12 (ID: Kubak12)
> Omega Lombax (ID: Nytromega) User Image
> Ratchetteraflux (ID: ratchetteraflux) User Image
> Ratchet bombardator (ID: DevastatorLombax)
> SerpaCooper (ID: SerpaCooper) User Image
> SerpaCooper ~ 2 (ID: SerpaCooper ~ 2)
> Taker (ID: TaK-er) Picture user
> Xlight111x (ID: brulelagomme)
> Zaim1630 (ID: Zaim1630)
> Zaxel (ID: LoyalRatcheT) User Image

> Planning matches

First, I inform you that we are just 6 games instead of 8, because it turns out to be sufficient so that each team can meet at least once. We do 3 matches per day. You know, throwing a glance below which teams will meet and therefore at what times and at what times you will play. So I unraveled to place them on times when you will be available normally. About deathmatch mentioned during the announcement of tounoi, I suggest you do so right after the last game on Sunday. See for yourself if at that time you are still available. However, for those of you who are interested yet, you can still sign up. For cons, I just said that you've only got three days (counting the one I am writing right now) to join us. One last thing: If a problem bothers you to hours of some games, do not hesitate to contact me about it all at once.
Regarding + English (Kubak12), there is no time difference between our countries and hers. If you want to know, he lives in Warsaw, Poland. So there is no need to worry about that the better: ^^!

Saturday, July 12th / Saturday 12th:

Match 1: Team 1 VS Team # 4 at 14:30 / at 2.30 pm Map. Bakisi Islands.

Match 2: Team # 1 VS Team # 2 in 15h. Map: The Palace.

Match 3: Team # 3 VS Team # 2 at 17.25. Map: Aridia Outpost X12.

Sunday, July 13th / Sunday 13th:

Match 1: Team # 3 VS Team # 4 at 14:30 / at 2.30 pm Map. Docks.

Match 2: Team # 2 VS Team # 4 at 15h / at 3 pm Map. Metropolis.

Match 3: Team # 3 VS Team # 1 in 15h35.Map: Blackwater City.

Here, I give you an appointment for Saturday so start this tournament emoji! The winning team will be the one that has won the most games. (Do not quote please.)

[Final Teams]

Team 1:
> Xlight111x
> Ratchet bombardator
> Zaxel

Team 2:
> Zaim1630
> ~ 2 SerpaCooper
> Juliennato

Team 3:
> Ratchetteraflux
> Cleon62
> BlueLombaX
> Omega Lombax

Team # 4
> SerpaCooper
> Kubak12
> Taker

> The scores of each Party
(Photographed by xlight111x, Omega Lombax and Taker)

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[Table Tournament Leaderboard]

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Spotlight Videos / Replays of our parts

> RG Party 01 Available =

> Video : The Most Beautiful Action Taker! =



Quiz n°1

Liste des questions :

> Sur 100 points de vie, combien le Fusil-Flux en retire-t-il avec un seul tir (sachant qu'il n'est pas amélioré) ?
- 86,6
- 85,6
- 83,4

> Dans la communauté online du jeu, quel joueur est considéré comme étant le meilleur rusher de toutes générations ?
- IxSirius
- Redrum
- Eskimotuuti

> Quelle carte/planète est la plus utilisée et la plus appréciée par la plupart des joueurs ?
- Les Îles Bakisi
- Metropolis
- Korgon

> Quel administrateur de la communauté online sur RG n'est jamais présent ?
- Taker
- LordPatate

> Le célèbre joueur nommé Drones est considéré comme étant le meilleur …
- Tueur au Pistolet Bombardeur
- Rusher
- Sniper avec son Fusil-Flux

> Quelle apparence est impossible à utiliser dans le mode multijoueur (provoquant l'annulation directe de la partie dès son utilisation) ?
- Dan
- Dr.Nefarious
- Bones

> Quel est le vainqueur du Tournoi de 2010 sur PlayStation 2 (dans la communauté RG) ?
- SuperClank
- Bsaugues
- Vince4x4

> Parmi les finalistes du Tournoi Amical de 2012, trouvez l'intrus parmi les 3 joueurs étant finalistes :
- Cleon62

> Récemment, les joueurs de la communauté ont inventé un nouveau mode de jeu s'inspirant des 3 de base, comment se nomme-t-il ?
- Hallway's Nodes
- Hallway's Towers

> Quel est le mode de jeu le moins utilisé ?
- Siège
- Deathmatch

> Combien avait-il de participants approximativement au dernier Tournoi d'été 2013 ?
- Au moins 12
- Pas plus de 6
- Juste 15

> Quel est le nombre de vues parmi les suivants proposés, le topic officiel de la communauté en ligne de R&C3 sur RG a-t-il dépassé ?
- 1500
- 15000
- 30000

> Toujours à propos du topic cité ci-dessus et de sa communauté, combien celle-ci compte-t-elle de membres (environ) ?
- Environ 60
- 31
- 28

> Parmi les clans suivants, dans lequel Taker était-il membre ?
- Xcution
- Deception
- Memory

> Parmi les clans suivants, dans lequel ZAXEL26 était-il membre ?
- Tactics
- Memory

Correction :

Résultats :
- 11 bonnes réponses sur 15 par Ratchet telt93
- 12 bonnes réponses sur 15 par Eison1277
- 13 bonnes réponses sur 15 par Taker


Community space

List of participating members with regular activity (this list will be updated regularly):

- Arkoja (ID PSN : arkoja)
- arnaud49 (ID PSN : arnaud496)
- Azzouzjoh (ID PSN : azzouzjoh)
- Bass1998 (ID PSN : Mamadou1987)
- Baton (ID PSN : Batonator)
- BlueLombaX (ID PSN : BlueLombaX)
- Bsaugues (ID PSN : benjcommando96)
- Burnout3117 (ID PSN : Razor3117)
- Cleon62 (ID PSN : cleon62)
- Cogitor5 (ID PSN : latios260)
- Cooper13 (ID PSN : Non communiqué pour raisons confidentielles)
- Juliennato (ID PSN : Juliennato)
- Kubak12 (ID PSN : Kubak12)
- LordPatate (ID PSN : LordPatapon)
- Mikatoto18 (ID PSN : mikatoto18)
- Néfarious Jr (ID PSN : hats-14)
- Oméga Lombax (ID PSN : Nytromega)
- Ratchet6z (ID PSN : RatchetWolf)
- RatchetBlaster (ID PSN : NeodeosX)
- RatchetBombardator (ID PSN : DevastatorLombax)
- Ratchetetclank99 (ID PSN : othmanex09)
- Ratchet telt93 (ID PSN : pokebox93/Ratchetelt93)
- Ratchetteraflux (ID PSN : ratchetteraflux)
- SerpaCooper (ID PSN : SerpaCooper)
- Soso_du58 (ID PSN : Soso_du58)
- Swiftlombax (ID PSN : Swiftlombax)
- Taker (ID PSN : Ta-K-eR- / TaK-eR-)
- Theratchetfan3 (ID PSN : the_ratchetfan3)
- The super ratchet (ID PSN : HaykoLombax)
- xX_Jak-Ratchet_Xx (ID PSN : maudmartin)
- Xlight111x (ID PSN : brulelagomme)
- Zaim1630 (ID PSN : Zaim1630)
- ZAXEL26 (ID PSN : CRASHBANDIC_OT2- / Cragnus26 / LoyalRatcheT)

… we prefer FFA here actually…

… we prefer FFA here actually…

You or the whole community?

And what's up with the spacing?

And what's up with the spacing?

I apologize I'm still fixing it up but it will be done soon

… we prefer FFA here actually…

You or the whole community?

There's like 5 of us, and 3, from my understanding, prefer FFA.
UYA is kind of a French thing.

Oh well I re posted this just in case anybody on the english version wanted to read what was going on emoji


Oh well I re posted this just in case anybody on the english version wanted to read what was going on emoji

Actually ZEXAL posted a brief announcement about this here.
I had to back out because I had to go on vacation. Kubak played but I ddon't really now the details of his butt kicking.
But thanks for a translation of the full thread.
Anyway, I may just create an FFA tournament… nah, too lazy…

Oh well I re posted this just in case anybody on the english version wanted to read what was going on emoji

Actually ZEXAL posted a brief announcement about this here.
I had to back out because I had to go on vacation. Kubak played but I ddon't really now the details of his butt kicking.
But thanks for a translation of the full thread.
Anyway, I may just create an FFA tournament… nah, too lazy…

No problem :P Kubak got his butt kicked D:?

Oh well I re posted this just in case anybody on the english version wanted to read what was going on emoji

Actually ZEXAL posted a brief announcement about this here.
I had to back out because I had to go on vacation. Kubak played but I ddon't really now the details of his butt kicking.
But thanks for a translation of the full thread.
Anyway, I may just create an FFA tournament… nah, too lazy…

No problem :P Kubak got his butt kicked D:?


Oh well I re posted this just in case anybody on the english version wanted to read what was going on emoji

Actually ZEXAL posted a brief announcement about this here.
I had to back out because I had to go on vacation. Kubak played but I ddon't really now the details of his butt kicking.
But thanks for a translation of the full thread.
Anyway, I may just create an FFA tournament… nah, too lazy…

No problem :P Kubak got his butt kicked D:?


Dayuuuummmm xD


That moment when you press the quote button instead of the edit button…

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… we prefer FFA here actually…

WHAT?? NO WE DON'T!! At least i don't.. i think FFA is pretty much.. crap.

And by the way, i already started a thread for the UYA online community, but you already saw that one, right?

But whatever, i was active on UYA HD long time ago.. but there were many people who retired. including me. Mainly because of all the arguing and hatred in the community, and some weird technical difficulties, but i occasionally come back for a bit of nostalgia, and to see what happened to the community. Taker for example, i knew him back when he still wrote his name Ta-K-eR emoji

Anyways, i'd actually like to participate in one of those matches, and see if i can still play emoji