… we prefer FFA here actually…
Animovie, Filip and RR haven't played it and Kubak has stated numerous times he prefers FFA. That only leaves you and Smega, so 5-2.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.
… we prefer FFA here actually…
Animovie, Filip and RR haven't played it and Kubak has stated numerous times he prefers FFA. That only leaves you and Smega, so 5-2.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.
… we prefer FFA here actually…
WHAT?? NO WE DON'T!!Animovie, Filip and RR haven't played it and Kubak has stated numerous times he prefers FFA. That only leaves you and Smega, so 5-2.
Welp, doesn't change the fact that i think FFA is crap, along with tons of people i know from the old UYA community. But yea, everyone has his opinion.
Okay, to clear things up. I prefer FFA's online multiplayer. As a whole, I stated numerous times that I FREAKIN HATE THIS PIECE OF consider this the worst, the most uninspired and rushed R&C game.
… we prefer FFA here actually…
WHAT?? NO WE DON'T!! At least i don't.. i think FFA is pretty much.. crap.
And by the way, i already started a thread for the UYA online community, but you already saw that one, right?
But whatever, i was active on UYA HD long time ago.. but there were many people who retired. including me. Mainly because of all the arguing and hatred in the community, and some weird technical difficulties, but i occasionally come back for a bit of nostalgia, and to see what happened to the community. Taker for example, i knew him back when he still wrote his name Ta-K-eR
Anyways, i'd actually like to participate in one of those matches, and see if i can still play
Yeah I seen that thread already I just wanted to re-post the French one in English :P
It would be great if you could start taking part in the matches as well :oui:
HaHAA!! The UYA-ians are slowly taking over the FFA-ians!! .. ok not really..
I just think FFA feels very unpolished. The animations are rough, the controls feel off and FOR GOD'S SAKE THERE IS NO FLUX RIFLE
HaHAA!! The UYA-ians are slowly taking over the FFA-ians!! .. ok not really..
I just think FFA feels very unpolished. The animations are rough, the controls feel off and FOR GOD'S SAKE THERE IS NO FLUX RIFLE
I agree but on top of that FFA just does not have the same feel to it as UYA.UYA is more exciting and colourful xD