Thread: Pretty Random Movie Thread

Oh well, time for my first news post!
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Is this the game or the movie? It looks so gamelike that I wanna play it right now.

Yeah, it's from the game. I have to change that (while waiting for Filip to validate)

I need help. I can't seem to publish it. Kubak, how do I do that? I think it needs Validation…

Images don't need validation to be seen in a forum thread. I think the links to the images are broken.

I need help. I can't seem to publish it. Kubak, how do I do that? I think it needs Validation…

Images don't need validation to be seen in a forum thread. I think the links to the images are broken.

No, it says the post is "pending Validation". The pictures show up…

*One News waiting
*Status: Pending

*One News waiting
*Status: Pending

Oh, that's different. That's for writing a news article on this site and has nothing to do with posting on the forum.

Well, I finished the news post, but I still have to wait for Filip (and by the time he wakes up, I'll be asleep probably)

As for those images you tried to post in this thread,they didn't show up because you linked directly to a page on the Insomniac Games website that you have to be logged into to view. Try putting them somewhere like photobucket and then post that link as an image. emoji

Really? They show up on my computer…

Well, the images I put on the news post are directly from tumblr, so…let me retry…

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Is that better emoji