Thread: The Star Wars Thread

Not sure if it will actually be Rogue Squadron. Perhaps a new unit of X-Wings
(I missed that threat, sorry Animovie.)

Oh, btw. Someone just send me this. Once you see it, you can not un-see it. Fortunately it had already crossed my mind. (get it… crossed?)

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Ha! Punny! I guess I'm just hoping it'll be rogue…

Ha! Punny! I guess I'm just hoping it'll be rogue…

Punny: a funny pun.

Look at that, on RG you learn something new every day.

The more you know…

Everybody is complaining about the new Lightsaber. I'm dissapointed in the Star Wars community, but I'm not surpised.

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Deleted user

i think that lightsaber is awesome i think its very creative i don't see why people dislike it

There's always something to complain about. When it comes to Star Wars I pretty much dodge all forums and etc. Too much negativity.

Btw. Paramore is awesome.

Deleted user
There's always something to complain about. When it comes to Star Wars I pretty much dodge all forums and etc. Too much negativity.

Btw. Paramore is awesome.

yeah when disney first got the rights to star wars i thought oh their gonna screw this movie up but that was a great lightsaber idea so i might have been wrong about them screwing the movie up

yeah paramore is awesome

It's JJ Abrams after all. I loved his TV series 'Fringe'. So I trust he'll do the best he can with it. However it will always be a shame that Disney cancelled 1313 and the potential Force Unleashed 3. But yeah, can't have everything.

Deleted user
It's JJ Abrams after all. I loved his TV series 'Fringe'. So I trust he'll do the best he can with it. However it will always be a shame that Disney cancelled 1313 and the potential Force Unleashed 3. But yeah, can't have everything.

yeah but they are still letting dice make star wars battlefront 3 right?

Yes, they are. Really looking forward to it too. Battlefront II on PS2 was awesome!

Yes, they are. Really looking forward to it too. Battlefront II on PS2 was awesome!

The only other game I liked besides RaC on ps2 :oui:

they should also make TFU 3 you know, force unleashed am i right?
must agree may wreck next movie:oui:

The Force Unleashed 3 would be my dream Star Wars game. The story and characters are so great in 1 and 2! I only wish they could make the 3rd one. Maybe then people who haven't read the novelizations can finally shut up about the clone thing in TFU2, they just don't get it.

because Galen dies in the first game. The clone in 2 is the same Galen as the 2nd half of 1. So the relationship between him and Juno is totally real.